smiling girl

Chipped teeth, awkward gaps, impacted growth, cavities, discoloration, and other oral problems can deal a blow to a person’s confidence in their smile. More importantly, poor oral health can also lead to a myriad of diseases affecting the gums, your jaw, and even your lips, but did you know that the problems can extend beyond…

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fake teeth

When you get a toothache, that usually means that there’s an abscess in your gums or in your teeth. That abscess is caused by bacteria that find their way into the tooth through cavities or a tear in the gum. If you indeed have an abscess the pain you feel could be throbbing and could…

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drinking coffee

Canadians are some of the most coffee-obsessed people in the world, with 71% of Canadians aged 18 to 79 drink coffee at least once a day. Because of this, cafes are always blooming every year. For example, Tim Horton’s generates over $2 billion in sales revenue. Coffee is a very important element in many people’s…

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The importance of visiting your dentist for dental cleanings can’t be overstated. Indeed, coming in for regular cleanings is one of the best ways of taking care of your teeth. With that being said, it’s equally important that you have good personal oral health and are consistent with your oral routines at home. While brushing…

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nail biting

If you’re a nail-biter, you might find yourself often worrying about your damaged fingernails. But your hands aren’t the only body parts that are affected by this compulsive behaviour. Nail-biting leads to a handful of oral health issues as well. Tooth erosion Dental erosion happens when the surface of a tooth wears away. In most…

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smiling woman

Many patients fear going to the dentist because they are afraid they may come out with newly installed metallic dental implants in their mouths. They are concerned about their weird taste and feeling, which can even injure the gums and teeth if you don’t chew properly.  Fortunately, those are now a thing of the past,…

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Dentist Edmonton

A clean, beautiful smile can bring so many positive effects to you and other people as well. It makes you look friendly and makes people more comfortable and joyful around you. Doing the simple act of smiling can also stimulate your brain, boost your mood, and alleviate your stress, allowing you to make a wonderful…

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Taking care of baby teeth is an integral part of being there for your child. It is a significant milestone since they can finally eat more solid meals as they progress to become toddlers. The problem is this period can also be riddled with tooth decay issues, especially if you don’t pay attention to proper…

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straight teeth

People are all born differently. When you reach your teenage years, you can expect all your permanent teeth to replace your baby teeth once and for good. Unfortunately, the moment that happens, not everyone can expect perfectly straight teeth due to genetics or lifestyle choices. However, it isn’t too late to turn things around. There’s…

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emergency dentist

The job of a dentist is to try, as much as possible, to preserve natural teeth and help their patients achieve good overall health. However, there are some instances where saving the tooth is impossible and to maintain oral health, teeth may have to be extracted. This will leave gaps between teeth and may cause…

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