Chipped teeth, awkward gaps, impacted growth, cavities, discoloration, and other oral problems can deal a blow to a person’s confidence in their smile. More importantly, poor oral health can also lead to a myriad of diseases affecting the gums, your jaw, and even your lips, but did you know that the problems can extend beyond your mouth too? 

Something seemingly harmless, such as crooked teeth, may only impact your smile at first glance, but even malocclusions can exacerbate into other problems like joint disorders. That’s why seeking dental treatment for any oral woes you have is crucial since it can impact your overall well-being in more ways than one. 

Health Problems Caused By Bad Teeth

Cardiovascular Disease

Regardless of the cause of your oral disease, bad teeth can lead to something as detrimental as cardiac disease. Dental problems that affect the gums, in particular, increase your chances of heart attacks since the very same bacteria causing the inflammation and plaque build-up can also invade your bloodstream. 

Once it enters your blood, the bacteria behind periodontal diseases can harden your heart’s arteries and result in cardiac blockages. When the heart lining sustains issues, your oral disease can transform into a fatal condition that compromises your heart health.

Respiratory Disease 

The bacteria wreaking havoc in your mouth can also travel through your lungs, which can trigger respiratory diseases like pneumonia. On the other hand, decayed teeth can infect your respiratory tract, resulting in a myriad of issues from acute bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more. 

Brushing your teeth twice a day using the proper techniques, flossing, and using mouthwash daily can make a significant difference in your oral health. As a preventive measure, keeping your teeth clean daily should lower your risk of affecting other areas of your health. 


Oral issues such as periodontal disease can leave your teeth and gums vulnerable to infection, but it can also make it harder to manage chronic conditions such as diabetes. This is because gum diseases can de-stabilize your blood sugar levels, which is one of the biggest factors that develop diabetes.

Kidney Disease

The mouth seems far away from the kidney; research found a solid connection between periodontal disease and kidney disease. For one, periodontal illness can lower your immune system, which leaves you vulnerable to contracting infections that can also compromise your kidney. When left untreated, there’s a risk of experiencing kidney failure. 

The Bottom Line: How Poor Oral Health Impacts Your Well-Being 

Getting dental treatment doesn’t only straighten your smile and ease any discomfort in your mouth. Your oral health can affect other aspects of your well-being too, that’s why maintaining good dental hygiene and promptly seeking treatment for your bad teeth is a must for your health. 

Are You Looking for the Best and Affordable Dentists in Edmonton to Improve Your Smile?

At Edmonton Smiles, we provide superior dental services that include emergency dental treatments, dental whitening, preventative services, and more. Learn more about our services and book an appointment today!