The job of a dentist is to try, as much as possible, to preserve natural teeth and help their patients achieve good overall health. However, there are some instances where saving the tooth is impossible and to maintain oral health, teeth may have to be extracted. This will leave gaps between teeth and may cause self-esteem issues and confidence problems. 

The good news is that there are a number of different tooth replacement methods available that can help bring confidence to people’s smiles again. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to replacing missing teeth. This is why most of the time, a team of dental and orthodontic specialists and professionals will usually work together to determine the best and most effective way to replace missing teeth. 

What Are the Different Tooth Replacement Options Available?

1 – Dental Implants

Dental implants are wonderfully effective ways to have missing teeth replaced because they will look, feel and take the function of real teeth. These implants are made of a dental crown placed on a small metal post that is implanted (hence their name) into the jawbone. After they heal, they will require little maintenance and will only need to be maintained using the minimum oral health standards, just like one would to a genuine tooth.

2 – Fixed Bridges

Fixed bridges would be a good option for people who do not want to get surgery to fill in the gaps of their missing teeth. Fixed bridges will be attached to adjacent teeth. The bridge will use one or two anchoring teeth to stay in place and will also be able to be treated like a natural tooth would after the procedure. However, there is a lifespan for most dental bridges. They would have to be replaced after five to twenty years, depending on the material used for the bridge.

3 – Partial Dentures

Partial dentures may be used to fill in the gap and take the place of multiple missing teeth. The dentist will make a cast out of your oral cavity and create dentures according to this. These dentures may be taken off at night or when you will clean them or you may also opt to have them glued into place using an adhesive.

4 – Implant Supported Dentures

These dentures will be supported by implants and will be permanently fixed and attached to your jaw. These dentures will be much more convenient as they may be treated as regular teeth. However, this is another tooth replacement procedure that will entail a surgical procedure.


Having tooth replacement is much more than finding a way to fill the gaps of missing teeth. It is a way to positively change the outlook and boost the self-confidence of a person. This will also affect the way they handle their oral health moving forward as they will be more motivated to do what they can to maintain their new set of teeth. 

If you are interested in having a tooth replacement, looking for a skilled dentist is the first step to regaining confidence in your smile. These professionals will be able to take a look at your specific needs and find the right solution to meet those needs.

Whether you are looking for a solution for missing teeth, or if you want to seek treatment for other oral issues you may have, the skilled dental team at Edmonton Smiles will be happy to help you! We are specialized in emergency dental, teeth whitening, preventive services and orthodontics in Edmonton. Book an appointment today!