Having beautiful white teeth can give you the extra confidence you need to feel good about yourself and smile more often! There are so many ways to attain the look of perfect teeth to show off your glowing smile:

Straighten Uneven Teeth

If your teeth are crooked or misaligned, we can help you. The most common cause of uneven teeth can be hereditary, and is caused by uneven development of your jaw and teeth. Crossbite, overbite and underbite can result whereby teeth do not fit into perfect alignment and bite with each other. Other causes may include crowding of teeth or gaps between the teeth. Our Dentists will examine your uneven teeth to determine the cause and find the right solution for you. Depending on your dental structure, braces, Invisalign, crowns, or veneers can redesign your smile. The right dental procedure will straighten up your teeth to create that perfectly aligned smile!

Straighten Uneven Teeth

Eliminate Gummy Smile

When you smile, do you show more of your pink gums than teeth? If so then you have what is known as a gummy smile. A gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display, is a smile that shows an excessive amount of gum under the upper lip. This is usually the result of abnormal eruption of the teeth as you develop. Teeth covered by excessive gum tissue appear short, even though they may actually be the proper length. Another cause of a gummy smile may be that the muscle that controls the movement of your upper lip could be hyperactive, causing your upper lip to rise up higher than normal. No matter what the reason is, after examining your mouth, we will contour your gums as necessary to create a balanced, lovely smile.

Polish and Whiten Teeth

Your teeth may get stained or become discoloured as you age. Some of the common causes of teeth staining and discolouration include consumption of highly pigmented food, tobacco, coffee, tea, wine, and enamel breakdown. Plaque and tartar buildup will also make teeth look yellow. Our Dental team will brighten up your smile with a thorough cleaning and polishing to remove these stubborn stains and buildup. Custom made whitening trays will whiten up your teeth to give you that glowing smile you always dreamed of!

Replace Missing Teeth

Replace Missing Teeth

People may naturally have missing teeth and also lose teeth for many reasons. Advanced age, gum disease, the late eruption of wisdom teeth, trauma, sports injury, accidents, and decay are just some of the reasons teeth may need to be removed. This empty space in your teeth can prevent you from eating, smiling, and even talking comfortably.  Depending on how many teeth are missing, we will suggest the best-suited option to redesign your smile. Implants, bridges, crowns, and dentures are just a few of those options available to get you smiling again.

Restore any Chipped or Broken Teeth

Broken, chipped or fractured teeth may be the reason you are not smiling. Many different dental treatments are available to restore your teeth back to perfect size and shape. From veneers and crowns to metal-free restorations, our dentists will repair your teeth so they look completely natural again. You will get your glowing smile back with teeth that are restored to proper function while looking amazing.

So why wait? Call Edmonton Smiles to have Dr. Molly Rodgers and Associates restore your smile and confidence