There is a beautiful and simple way to create that perfect smile! Cosmetic Dental Veneers can permanently fix teeth that have open spaces, chips, stains, and even teeth that are slightly crooked. If you have been considering this cosmetic dentistry solution, this is just the right guide for you.

Dental Veneers – An Overview

Dental veneers are custom-designed thin wafers of either porcelain or composite material that are attached to the front surface of the prepared teeth. The enamel layer of the natural teeth is filed and smoothed so that the veneer can fit seamlessly into your mouth. They are designed to match the shade and shape of your existing teeth and create a beautiful, natural looking smile. The veneers are permanently attached for years of that perfect Hollywood Smile!

Types of Dental Veneers:

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain, also known as ceramic veneers, are the most common and traditionally used veneers. These veneers are the strongest material lasting for about ten years or more with proper oral care and maintenance. These veneers are highly recommended because the porcelain can be custom designed to match your exact shade, or create a whiter, brighter look. They are made to attain the desired length and shape for each individual tooth to create a natural looking result. Porcelain veneers are custom designed and require an initial appointment to prepare the teeth and another to permanently attach them. Because porcelain can chip it is recommended that you wear a nightguard to protect your veneered teeth.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are the next popular choice for people who need a quick solution to their dental issues. These veneers are cheaper than porcelain and also cause less invasion to one’s teeth. Composite veneers may last for 2 to 5 years with proper oral care and maintenance. The shade of your teeth is matched to the existing composite material and then polished and smoothed to achieve the look of normal teeth. However, these veneers are more prone to damages like chipping and cracks. A nightguard is also recommended with composite veneers to protect your teeth.

Advantages of Dental Veneers:

Hide Oral Imperfections

Veneers are attached to the front (visible) surface of your teeth, to hide the underlying flaw beneath. The flaw or imperfection underneath is not corrected or eliminated, only made to look as though your teeth are flawless.

Complete Dental Structure

If you have chipped or fractured teeth that are preventing you from biting and chewing normally, veneers will add a supportive layer to your teeth and create some strength to decrease natural chipping.

Difficult to Stain

 High-quality porcelain veneers are difficult to stain with pigmented foods, coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco consumption. Composite veneers are less likely to resist stains than porcelain.

Provide a Beautiful Smile

A beautiful, natural looking smile is easily created with one or several veneers. Your look can be brightened up, giving you the confidence to smile and show off your teeth more!

Quick Process

The process of bonding veneers to your teeth is a quick one. When you opt for custom porcelain veneers, you will have to visit your dental clinic twice at an interval of about one week. During this week, your dentist will attach temporary veneers on your teeth for normal functioning. Composite veneers require only one visit to your dentist.

The Right Candidates for Veneers:

  • stained or discoloured teeth
  • chipped or cracked teeth
  • small teeth
  • slightly crooked teeth
  • old, discoloured bonding that needs to be replaced
  • gaps/spaces between teeth
  • gummy smiles
  • sufficient tooth enamel
  • overall good oral health

Who Isn’t the Right Candidate:

There are alternative options to correcting your smile since veneers will not be ideal for those who have:

  • extremely damaged and broken down teeth
  • severely crooked or misaligned teeth
  • very weak enamel
  • teeth grinding (bruxism) or clenching habit
  • active and recurring gum disease

Downsides of Dental Veneers:

  • Once done, the process is not reversible.
  • Removal of healthy tooth enamel is required to fit veneers in place which may even lead to tooth sensitivity.
  • Veneers are usually not repairable if they chip or crack..
  • In some rare cases, veneers can dislodge and fall off. A nightguard is always recommended and you should avoid biting hard items like pencil, fingernails and even hard food items.

If you have any questions about dental veneers or you wish to know about the care and maintenance, consult our office. Our dentists and staff will be happy to provide more information based on your oral health and concerns.