healthy food

Taking care of your own teeth starts at a young age. One way to teach your kids that is to teach them the importance of having good nutrition. Not only is it good for their muscles and bones, but it also helps their teeth and gums. What they consume in their early childhood can determine…

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girl eating carrot

When it comes to oral health, we all have been warned of the detrimental effects of sugar. While it may seem like a notion easy to brush off as a child, there’s a reason adults continue to fight for it—and why you do now. Though an old adage, it’s a vital piece of advice people…

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girl on dentist chair

There is nothing more painful, annoying, and disturbing than experiencing a bad toothache. The chances are that it hurts so much that you can feel the throbbing pain, especially when you drink something hot or cold. When this happens, you may actually be suffering from a tooth abscess. In such situations, you should take pain-relief…

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cookies on plate

So, you’ve gotten dental crowns, and it’s natural to feel some discomfort the first few days as you get used to it. Dental crowns are an excellent tooth restoration procedure to address large cavities as they can perfectly cap a damaged tooth. Although dental crowns look and feel natural, they’re not built to last forever.…

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It’s recommended to get a dental check-up at least every six months. However, people tend to skip going to a dental clinic. It may be due to a busy schedule, low funds, or a general fear of going to the dentist.  Going through oral inspection can help you identify any cavities or issues with your…

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Whenever we age, time is often of the essence when it comes to maintaining our youthful looks. With time becoming even harsher on the body, it can be easy to see your looks and features wither away beyond your control if you aren’t as careful as you should be. Over the years, you’ll run into…

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dental cleaning

It is common knowledge that keeping your teeth clean is one of the best ways to care for your dental and overall health. However, what exactly happens during dental cleanings, and why it is an important thing that you should regularly observe? This article will help you understand the process behind teeth cleaning and why…

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brushing teeth

Your mouth is integral to the quality of your overall health, especially since it’s your main source of nutrition. Your energy fuel essentially comes from the food you eat, and your confidence to face the world comes from your set of pearly whites. Anything less can compromise not only your body’s functions, but your self-perception. …

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Ask other parents and they’ll tell you, one of the most challenging parts of parenting a baby or toddler is teaching them to properly brush their teeth. So, no, it’s not just you who struggles as you try different tricks to get your little one to brush their teeth. And, no, you can’t give up.…

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dental anxiety

Dental anxiety isn’t only limited to a certain age. Even adults still experience dental anxiety when they know they have to visit their local dental clinic. Unfortunately, many people give in to this fear and skip going to dental appointments altogether, increasing the risk of dental problems they’ll have to face.  In most cases, those…

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