It’s recommended to get a dental check-up at least every six months. However, people tend to skip going to a dental clinic. It may be due to a busy schedule, low funds, or a general fear of going to the dentist. 

Going through oral inspection can help you identify any cavities or issues with your teeth early on, though. The dental cleaning itself allows your dentist to treat your teeth more efficiently than a regular toothbrush or mouthwash ever could. Here are a few benefits to squeezing a dental appointment into your plans.

Good Oral Hygiene

The ideal oral health entails fresh breath and pearly whites. Brushing and flossing lead to having an excellent and odourless smile, but it may not be enough. Proper dental cleaning will help you maintain and further that good condition. 

The dentist will be removing any plaque that you can’t usually take off. If the plaque is left untouched, it can develop into tartar and contribute layers of bacteria to your mouth. Oral diseases can be a real pain, and counteracting that early on will be good for your hygiene.

Better Overall Health

When people talk about having good physical health, dental health should play a big part in that. When your teeth and gums are unhealthy, it can impact your overall health. A study found that a person’s mortality rate can increase if they have poor oral health.

We also have to mention the spikes of pain that an infected or damaged tooth can bring you. Toothaches can really put a person at unease as it distracts them from their daily duties. Regular dental visits will lessen the likeliness of having to suffer from that.

Avoid Cavities

If there’s anything that should encourage you to set a dental cleaning visit, it’s the prospect of cavity prevention. Cavities decay your teeth and can lead to long-term damage when left untreated. Having a dentist check for any signs of cavities can halt any diseases from progressing when moving forward. 

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum diseases can cause your teeth to fall out when they aren’t identified or attended to right away. In addition to that, having gum disease can increase the chances of having other illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. A dental cleaning session can reduce the plaque that causes the effects of gum disease.

It’s Simply Cost-Effective

Most people deem regular dental checkups as unnecessary and remove them out of their budget. However, if your teeth are in bad condition the next time you visit the dentist, you might get diagnosed with an infection. This ailment would lead to more complex dental procedures that would be more expensive than your typical teeth cleaning.

Investing in a dental insurance plan can also be good. You can also browse clinics that may offer affordable services and are within budget.


To sum it up, dental cleanings help boost your teeth and gums’ hygiene and avoid oral problems. Dedicating a day to meet your dentist can clear your teeth of any complications for the next several months. Just be sure to brush your teeth in between and avoid sweets.

Looking for teeth cleaning services in Edmonton? Edmonton Smiles provides dental cleaning, as well as cosmetic dentistry and preventative services. Make an appointment today!