In doing some research for this topic I did what most people do these days and I Googled it. And obviously no one actually thinks of dentists as people who save lives. So is it true? Can your dentist actually play a role in increasing longevity? Well the answer is an unequivocal “YES!” As a matter of fact, in a recent article in Reader’s Digest, it was said that “The dentist may be the most important doctor you see this year.” Say it ain’t so – how can it be? Just going to the dentist? Let me explain. There are actually a number of ways that regular visits to the dentist will help keep you “above ground” a little longer. 1. There is a growing body of research that is showing that gum disease is directly linked to a number of serious life-threatening illnesses. Some of these include heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancer and diabetes. 2. Dentists screen all their patients once a year for Oral Cancer. You do not have to be a smoker to get Oral Cancer. And now there is a new light (Ours is called a Velscope) that when shone in the mouth will detect cancerous tissue before it is visible to the naked eye. And just like any other form of cancer, the sooner we catch it, the better the prognosis. 3. We also screen all of our patients for Sleep Apnea. Sleep Apnea can reduce your life expectancy by 20 or 30 years, if severe. It also makes you 2 to 3 times more likely to be in a serious car accident resulting in significant injury. There are areas in the U.S. that if you are diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and do not get treatment, they will revoke your Driver’s License!! For patients who have tried a CPAP and can’t wear it, trained dentists can make an oral appliance to treat sleep apnea. 4. Although not common in developed countries, it is possible to die from a dental infection. This is probably the only way you thought we could help save your life. So, the next time you think of your dentist, remember that your teeth are in your head and your head is connected to the rest if your body and what is happening in your mouth is having a HUGE impact on your health. Your dentist and hygienist are the only health care providers that can treat gum disease. They are also likely the only people who will check you out for Oral Cancer once a year. And has your doctor asked you lately if you snore? (If he/she has – good on them?) And for goodness sake – if you have a tooth ache let us know right away! And we know that every day above ground is a good day – so help us keep you above ground for as long as possible!!