Smile Edmonton

“I am a 27 year old female who needs a lot of teeth fixed and am wondering if your office offers payment plans?” Our goal is to prevent this from happening and “Heading Toothaches off at the Pass” so to speak. Here is what we do. Your initial consultation is always free.

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Dental Emergency

In doing some research for this topic I did what most people do these days and I Googled it. And obviously no one actually thinks of dentists as people who save lives. So is it true? Can your dentist actually play a role in increasing longevity?

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Smile Edmonton

A Patient Asks: I’m curious as to whether or not dentists still use mercury in fillings?  Another great question from a patient – thank you so much. To answer your question, yes, there are a number of dentists in North America that still place mercury amalgam fillings.

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A patient recently asked: What is Acid Erosion? And how do you treat acid erosion in teeth? Excellent questions. Typically there are three main causes of acid erosion. The first is actual consumption of very acidic foods and beverages in large quantities.

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Dental Hygienist Edmonton

This Guest Post by Dr. Molly Rodgers originally appeared on Entrepreneur Mom Now. Success is goals and everything else is commentary I  heard this quote from Brian Tracy. And I’ve heard it worded many different ways but it really is the foundation of any business – any life actually.

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