When you open your mouth to yawn, talk, or chew food, do you hear a clicking and crunching sound on your jaws? You’re not alone. A study conducted on Canadians revealed that 9% of the population had difficulty opening their jaws and 4% experienced joint clicking.  Joint clicking is more common among individuals who also suffered from jaw pain. While this is only a small sample, it’s a telling statistic about the frequency of jaw clicking and crunching. It’s important to understand the underlying cause to recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Why is My Jaw Clicking and Crunching?

Jaw clicking is that snapping sound you hear when you open your mouth. The clicking sound may or may not be accompanied by jaw pain. It is also commonly associated with difficulty moving your jaws or a feeling of restricted motion in the area. 

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is small and delicate. It is located right next to your ears. Therefore, many of those patients who suffer from jaw clicking also complain of ear pain. The TMJ connects your jaw to your skull and facilitates the movement of your mouth when you speak, chew, or yawn. 

Any clicking or crunching sound in the jaws is potentially connected to this joint. It could be inflamed or damaged due to some other reasons. An inflammation in the joint can disrupt its natural movement resulting in that clicking sound when you open your mouth wide. 

Treatment Options for Jaw Clicking and Crunching

Treatment Options for Jaw Clicking and Crunching

You can try home remedies and dental approaches to overcome the problem with jaw clicking and crunching. 

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication to get relief from the jaw pain associated with jaw clicking and crunching. 
  • Perform jaw massages and stretches to ease tension in the jaw area. You can also consult with a physical therapist if you need help with jaw exercises. 
  • Reduce intake of hard foods. You can lower the stress on your jaws by eliminating hard and crunchy foods to avoid aggravating any symptoms, such as jaw pain. 
  • Try to avoid stressing your jaws. Avoid any activities that could cause unnecessary stress on your jaws, such as yawning with your mouth too wide or singing too loud. 
  • Practice relaxation techniques. Stress and anxiety can also contribute to the tightening of your jaw muscles. Engage in various relaxation activities, such as exercising regularly, practicing yoga, and meditation. Using relaxation techniques can be effective when done with other remedies.

Seeking Medical Help

In Canada, especially in the Edmonton area, you will find many reputable dental and orthodontic clinics that can address your issues with jaw clicking and crunching. You can try any of the above home remedies to ease jaw pain and reduce the frequency of jaw clicking. 

However, you should seek the advice of a dental professional if you want to avoid any serious complications from your jaws popping and clicking. You should look for an Edmonton dental clinic if you have persistent jaw pain, a worsening of the jaw clicking sound, difficulty breathing, difficulty eating, and formation of jaw lumps. It could also result in speech issues if left untreated.