Dental health goes beyond brushing your teeth after every meal. You also need to floss and get teeth cleaning services at the dentist’s. Flossing is a vital part of dental health; though brushing takes care of most of the food particles, the bristles don’t reach all the crevices. 

Rubbing floss between teeth will take care of the areas your brush cannot reach and reduce bacteria, tartar, and plaque buildup. Here are some things people often ask about flossing.

Do I need to floss after every meal?

Flossing should accompany brushing, though once a day is enough. The important thing is to ensure quality; don’t just run the thread over your teeth three times a day. Take the time to do the routine your dentist recommends. It’s better to do one good flossing per day than three lacklustre ones.

Is it better to floss before or after brushing?

Floss before brushing your teeth—doing this helps dislodge particles, which you can sweep away when you brush. The last step of cleaning teeth is rinsing, and the swishing you do will thoroughly remove the particles. If you floss after brushing, you will only smear more bacteria around, which means you have to repeat the entire process.

What kind of floss should I use?

People find it surprising when they discover there are different types of floss and tools. Like teeth cleaning services, these tools exist to make cleaning your teeth more manageable, and the kind of flossing implements you choose depends on your preferences. Expensive does not necessarily mean better; all you need is to invest in thick floss. 

Also, if your teeth are not compacted, even an economical brand will do the job. Most people like smooth floss, others prefer brands with a rope-like feel, and some prefer pre-threaded variants.

Can floss substitutes get the same effect?

People have thought about whether flossing is the best deep cleaning solution for teeth. Some people use toothpicks, water-stream flossers, or mouthwash instead of floss.

Using toothpicks or mouthwash is not effective in cleaning teeth properly. Picking between your teeth will not remove the smaller particles, and the pointed end could even injure your gums. Meanwhile, although mouthwash can contribute to mouth health, it is not a replacement for floss. Swishing releases loosened particles, but they don’t get rid of everything.

Of the three, water-stream flossers are the best alternative. These shoot liquid through your teeth and remove particles through water pressure. Ensure that you train the jet on the teeth and not just spray the water around, or you won’t get the effect you would from traditional floss.


Flossing improves the condition of your teeth. The amount of plaque or decay in your mouth will show how well you had been flossing. Doing this regularly also prevents gum disease, which lessens the risk for bleeding and having sensitive, swollen gums. Beyond mouth wellness, regular flossing reduces the likelihood of severe conditions like heart disease, stroke, and blood vessel inflammation. Make it a part of your daily routine; only a few minutes of flossing a day makes a world of difference!

Dental health requires scheduling regular trips to experts like the team at Dr. Molly Rodgers and Associates. We are dentists in South Edmonton, providing oral cleaning, sensitive teeth restoration, dental implants, and more. Book your appointment today or contact us for more details!