It’s never too early to start teaching young children to follow good oral hygiene practices. Proper oral hygiene promotes healthy teeth and gums as well as reduces the overall risk of sickness and infection. Parents can establish good dental hygiene habits in young children by encouraging regular toothbrushing, maintaining a healthy diet, and scheduling regular visits to the dentist for teeth cleaning services.

Tips to Encourage Good Oral Health Habits in Young Children

  • Use the right tools – There are a variety of toothbrushes appropriate for each age. Children from 1-2 years old should use brushes with small heads and soft bristles that are gentle on their sensitive teeth and gums. Choose a fluoride-free toothpaste that is safe for them to swallow, or practice brushing with just water. Once they have mastered spitting out water, older children can switch to a fluoride-based toothpaste for better teeth protection
  • Have a daily schedule for brushing teeth – Young children thrive on routine, so try to make a point of brushing your child’s teeth at the same time every day, at least twice a day. For example: brush once upon getting out of bed, and once again after taking a bath before bed. You can also encourage brushing teeth after each meal. The trick is for parents to be consistent and to stick to the same schedule every day. Once the rhythm sets in, your child will eventually be the one to initiate the routine. 
  • Set a good example – Lead by example and show your child the proper methods of brushing by cleaning your teeth along with them. As you brush, take the opportunity to speak to them about each step and why it’s important to keep your teeth clean. Don’t be afraid to tell them the consequences of not taking care of your teeth properly. Babies and toddlers will need you to hold the brush for them, and many children may be fearful or may refuse at first. As your child grows, they will be able to understand why it’s important if they see adults doing it as well.
  • Schedule regular visits to the dentist – Establish a regular schedule for visits to a pediatric dentist every six months. Help them become familiar with the dental clinic and make it an enjoyable time for them. Pick a day and time when they are likely to be in a good mood so it is a comfortable and positive experience for them.


Parents can keep kids happily interested in their oral hygiene by reading them a book or singing songs about teeth care. To make oral hygiene fun, let your little one choose their own toothbrush that they will like using. Encourage them to follow the example of other family members brushing their teeth as well. 

What to look out for

It is important to look out for warning signs of tooth decay. Avoid giving your child food that is high in sugar and starch. A diet heavy in sugary snacks and high in carbohydrates may cause bacteria build-up, which in turn creates acids that break down your child’s tooth enamel. This will weaken teeth and cause cavities or other issues. 


Healthy teeth and gums begin at home, but regular visits to a dentist in Edmonton will ensure your little one’s mouth stays healthy. Your local pediatric dentist can evaluate your child’s oral health and address any concerns you might have. They can also monitor your child’s development as they lose their milk teeth and adult teeth set in. Some children may need to be assessed for orthodontic treatments such as braces.

Edmonton Smiles is a Family and Emergency Dentist ready to help your child with all their oral health needs. Contact us to learn more about how our pediatric dentists in Edmonton can help you maintain your child’s oral wellbeing.