Remember those scary nights as a child when you had a toothache and thought it might get worse? Well, it happens to everyone, and it’s a very annoying and uncomfortable feeling that we have to go through from time to time for different reasons, such as an untreated cavity, a crack in the tooth, a tooth infection, a gum or sinus infection or a dental implant.

Whatever the cause and whether it’s something that can go away with home remedies or with the help of a professional, it’s a part of our lives that no one wants to experience. Toothaches are more common when people have an unhealthy lifestyle, when they add too much sugar to their diet, when they don’t have good oral hygiene or when they start using new products that can cause allergic reactions to their teeth. In addition to these reasons, sometimes you may eat carelessly and injure your teeth, which also causes excessive pain and discomfort.

However, the good news is that in addition to going to your dentist, there are other ways that can help you overcome this experience that we will explore in this blog. Here is what you need to know when it comes to tooth pain, its relation to tooth decay, and what you should do when it occurs.

Work with Your Dentist At Edmonton Smiles For Painful Tooth Matters

As we explained earlier, toothaches can have many causes, and it is difficult to identify the reason for them ourselves. When we don’t know the reason, we most likely don’t know how to make our toothache go away. The first step you should take when you feel a toothache is to contact your dentist because it is better to get a recommendation from a professional than to decide on your own.

The dentist will know if you need antibiotics, anti-inflammatories or if you need a tooth extraction or other procedures and even if you use medication on your own, although it will temporarily suppress the pain if you have a more serious case, you will not be able to permanently suppress the pain as it will return.

Temporary Relief is Present For Severe Pain

However, if you are on a weekend and your dentist is not working, you can take anti-inflammatory medications that will take away the pain, at least for a while.

Remember that pain medications will help here but they will mask the pain while the problem that is causing the pain will linger.

Further, over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen are not recommended, especially for people with arrhythmia or other heart or kidney disease. That’s why the recommendation of a dentist or physician is crucial.


Non-Pharmaceuticals Can Be Beneficial For A Short While to Relieve Pain

If you don’t want to take the risk and take medication yourself without consulting a specialist, what you can do is apply saltwater or mouthwash, as they will rinse your mouth and help reduce the swelling.

Some may suggest a cold compress to reduce pain.

At the same time, if you have a persistent sore tooth or bleeding gums, and it seems like whatever you do makes the pain worse, then you may need to go for dental treatment as quickly as possible. If this toothache pain is related to periodontal disease and more severe dental problems, it is best to see your dentist at Edmonton Smiles as quickly as possible.

They will look at the factors causing the throbbing pain, assess dental infections, if it is an abscessed tooth, and offer solutions. Whether it is your wisdom teeth or other infected tooth areas, remember that dental professionals at Edmonton Smiles can certainly help.

What Kinds of Toothache Are There?

There are two types of toothache: some have an ad hoc cause, meaning that you did something that triggered the pain, while others are the result of deep-rooted problems that you did not treat in time.

Of course, the first can be treated more easily and there are cases where you do not even need to see a dentist because the pain will disappear on its own, the second scenario is more problematic and it will certainly cost us more time and money to be solved, as always in the health of the teeth is important to be quick and take preventive precautions not to allow the situation to get worse.

If this is the first time you have felt a toothache in a long time, it means that it may be temporary, perhaps you have eaten something that triggered the pain, such as a hard object or perhaps an object stuck between your teeth. In these cases, oral hygiene is crucial to make the pain go away, as you can brush and floss your teeth, and the leftover food will disappear, leaving you in a better state. You can also try taking anti-inflammatory pills, and the pain will be calmed and it will disappear.

You may also have an allergy caused by some of the products you use for your oral hygiene or for other reasons. To find out if this is the case, you should see if you notice that your gums are irritated and that you feel discomfort in your gums. If you feel this kind of irritation, you may want to consider not using these products (toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.), to see if there is an ingredient in them that is causing you an allergy, or if you have a sinus infection that needs to be treated as well.

If you notice that you no longer have any discomfort once you stop using these products, you may want to consider switching hygiene products and checking the ingredients more carefully in the future to understand what is causing the allergy.

Although home remedies are very convenient because they are not expensive and can be applied in the comfort of our home, there are cases where we should not consider doing so. When we feel intense pain that prevents us from functioning normally and we cannot even drink or eat, or go out because of the swelling and toothache, or if we notice that there is redness or other physical damage, and when the pain does not seem to go away, we should not risk staying at home.


Go To Your Dentist at Edmonton Smiles To Deal with Mild Pain and Tooth Fracture Issues

In many cases, all we can do is make an appointment and get to the dentist as soon as possible.

Although we sometimes tend, because of the frequency with which it occurs, to underestimate what a toothache can cause, in cases where the pain is intense, a toothache can cause much more damage than just the tooth, it can also affect our psychology and mental health, not to mention the infections that can spread to the rest of the nervous system.

Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental is here to help you with your tooth sensitivity, to assess gum infection problems, and to deal with gum disease issues.

If you have any questions or concerns about potential tooth decay, Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental is here for you.

Reach out to us today for an emergency appointment.