Wisdom tooth extractions typically take up to 40–90 minutes, depending on the complexity of the wisdom tooth’s structure. This third set of molar teeth are located at the back of your mouth and typically show up between the ages of 17 and 25. When your wisdom teeth grow, there’s a chance that they come in at a wrong angle, which can cause a great deal of pain that may prompt you to seek emergency dental services. For this reason, they need to be extracted.

The recovery period after extraction will last from two days up to a full week. During this time, you will need to limit the types of food you eat to avoid irritation. Doing so will help in the healing of the extraction site. 

Here are some examples of food that you can eat and stay away from while you are recovering from wisdom teeth extractions:

The foods you can eat

Generally, you can start drinking liquids and eating soft foods after the extraction. What you want to limit are the ones that are harder to chew and digest to avoid getting them trapped in the extraction area. Some of the most popular soft foods and liquids among patients include apple sauce, smoothies, broths, yogurt, and treats like Jell-O and ice cream.

It’s also important to remember that the foods you eat after surgery should contain vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy diet. Additionally, eating foods that are great sources of energy and protein will assist in healing the wound.

You may feel some discomfort during this time, which you can help relieve by eating cold foods, such as Jell-O and ice cream. Foods that contain nutrients like soups and broths are also good for promoting healing, and they can also give a soothing feeling to the recovering area.

Gradually, you can start incorporating more common foods like scrambled eggs and toast. After a week or two, you should be able to eat harder foods, such as chicken, fruits, and vegetables.

The foods you shouldn’t eat

Immediately after your surgery, avoid the following foods:

  • Crunchy and chewy foods like nuts, chips, jerky
  • Grains and tiny bits like rice and seeds 
  • Acidic and spicy foods
  • Alcoholic beverages

Crunchy food and grains can get lodged in the extraction site, which can irritate your wound. Irritation can trigger pain and will disrupt healing. You also don’t want to eat chewy foods even if the wound sits far at the back of your mouth as they increase the risk of touching it.

In particular, spicy and acidic foods like citrus fruits—even juice—can cause pain and irritation. Similarly, alcohol may irritate the area, in addition to triggering adverse effects when taken along with the prescribed medication.

Wrapping up

As soon as you get your wisdom teeth extracted, make sure to eat nutritious foods that won’t irritate your wound. By being consistent in only eating soft foods, you’re allowing your wound to recover fast. You’re also preventing discomfort and pain. You can also ask your dentist for suggestions that will help you achieve total recovery in just a few days.

We provide emergency dental services in Edmonton! If you need dental care today, get in touch with us, and we’ll gladly help you. Don’t hesitate to call us for your Edmonton tooth extractions.