Your smile is one of your most advantageous assets when it comes to self-confidence, happiness, and overall health. For the majority of people, taking care of their teeth is a matter of brushing and flossing daily and visiting the dentist for an annual checkup. However, accidents happen and teeth can become damaged. Likewise, time can take its toll on the teeth, and they can become worn down or stained.

These imperfections in an individual’s smile can cause that person a great deal of stress and anxiety. Many feel unable or embarrassed to smile in public when there are certain issues with the aesthetic of their smiles. When this is the case, one of your options for correcting these issues is the application of dental veneers.

At the dental office of Dr. Molly Rodgers in Edmonton, AB, our oral health experts are here to help to maintain your beautiful smile. One cosmetic dentistry service we offer is the placement of a dental veneer. Whether you have slightly crooked teeth or stains from eating highly pigmented foods, dental veneers may be the best route for you.

What Are Dental Veneers?

You may hear the term “porcelain veneers” or “dental porcelain laminates” in reference of dental veneers. They are all the same thing. A dental veneer is an extremely thin, custom-made shell of tooth-colored material (porcelain or composite resin) which covers the front surface of your tooth. The thin layer of dental veneers are bonded to the front of the teeth and will therefore change the color, shape, size, and/or length of the tooth.

Dental veneers are an excellent option for people with the following dental issues:

  • Discolored tooth enamel as a result of root canal treatment, stains from foods or prescription drugs, excessive fluoride use, or large resin fillings
  • Worn down teeth due to the aging process
  • Chipped teeth or broken teeth
  • Irregularly shaped or misaligned teeth
  • A smile with gaps between teeth
  • Worn tooth enamel resulting from overzealous tooth brushing

If you are dealing with any of these kinds of imperfections, you may benefit from porcelain veneers. Talk to our Edmonton, AB, cosmetic dentist, Dr. Molly Rodgers, to find out if you may be a good candidate for dental veneers.

Are Porcelain Veneers the Only Option?

You can usually choose between porcelain or resin composite veneers. The majority of people choose porcelain veneers because they are more stain-resistant, durable, and mimic light-reflecting properties of natural teeth better than the resin. If you are unsure of which option is right for you for these dental restorations, talk to Dr. Molly Rodgers during your consultation to learn the advantages of each type.

Benefits of Dental Veneers for Your Natural Teeth

There are many benefits of dental veneers that should be taken into consideration as you make your choice of how to correct the minor cosmetic problems in your teeth. Here are some of the top advantages of porcelain veneers that many patients are able to enjoy:

  • Cover discolored or misshapen teeth
  • Create a beautiful, natural-looking smile
  • Resist stains from foods and beverages
  • See instant results in just one or two dental visits compares to other dental restoration techniques such as teeth whitening or dental crowns
  • Versatile enough to cover stains, reshape misshaped or crooked teeth hide cracks or chips, and take the place of teeth whitening or artificial teeth
  • Requires only a small amount of tooth enamel to be shaved off compared to substantially more for crowns
  • Strong and sturdy enough to last for decades
  • Take care of them as you would your normal teeth

Each of these advantages of porcelain veneers can and should be discussed with your dental professional to determine if they are the right solution for your oral health situation.

Potential Drawbacks of Veneers

As with most medical procedures, there are some potential drawbacks which may make some patients hesitant to invest in them. For porcelain veneers, these drawbacks include:

  • The shaving of the tooth enamel will permanently change your teeth since enamel cannot be replaced and could lead to increased sensitivity. It is an irreversible procedure once the dentist removes some enamel.
  • Tooth sensitivity may be heightened since enamel protects teeth from the temperatures of hot and cold foods.
  • Veneers are a better fit for those with minimally damaged teeth or minor orthodontic problems, but crowns would be a better option for severe damage since the crown goes over the entire tooth.
  • Since they are so thin, you can damage dental veneers relatively easily.
  • The process is more expensive than teeth whitening, teeth straightening, and other cosmetic procedures.

It is important to frankly discuss the drawbacks of veneers with the dental care professionals at the office of Dr. Molly Rodgers in Edmonton, AB. She has the knowledge, skills, and experience to help you determine if this is the best option for you, and she will be happy to answer any and all questions you may have before the procedure begins.

Contact Our Dental Professionals to Learn How to Protect Your Tooth Enamel

If you are a resident in Edmonton, AB, and you are considering veneers as a potential solution for the minor cosmetic problems you have in your smile, contact Dr. Molly Rodgers. She will examine your tooth structure and determine if veneers are the right choice.

Even if veneers are not the best option for you, Dr. Rodgers is happy to discuss other potential cosmetic procedures that you may benefit from more greatly such as crowns or caps.

Our dental team is dedicated to helping you fix cosmetic issues in your teeth and showing you how veneers can improve self-confidence levels. We also offer general dentistry as well as dental procedures for children, so we can take care of you and your whole family for as long as you are living in Edmonton, AB!

Contact us today to learn more about veneers and to schedule a consultation with our Edmonton dental professionals.