If you’re hesitant and always trying to find ways to put off your dentist appointment, then don’t worry because you’re not alone. This fear of the dentist is called dentophobia, and around 75 percent of adults in the United States experience some amount of fear with regards to visiting a dentist. 

A lot of people are afraid of going to the dentist for many reasons. One, in particular, may be caused by a personal negative experience with their visit to the dentist in the past. There are also people who have traumatic experiences with doctors, in general, affecting their willingness to visit the dentist.

Why do people fear to visit the dentist?

The main reason that people are hesitant to go to the dentist is that they’ve had bad experiences registered in their minds for a long time. Their fear can root as far back as their childhood. Most people think of the traumatic memory of their experience subconsciously whenever they go through procedures that remind them of the past.

For some, it’s a specific fear of needles and injections or dental equipment. There are those who develop dentophobia by hearing some testimonials about their traumatic experiences. A negative portrayal of dentistry, in general, can also instill fear among some people.

Is going to the dentist a fearful experience?

Dentistry today isn’t the same as it was decades ago. Dentists are now more aware of the stress many patients feel when going for a visit. For that reason, they do everything in their capability to make the experience as pleasant as possible. 

For example, since first impressions are important, clinics are now designed with bright and welcoming coloured walls, welcoming staff, and an overall caring atmosphere. Dentists are now more attentive to signs of fear and anxiety among patients, and they try to address such feelings as soon as they are felt.

How are painful experiences avoided?

While there isn’t a guarantee that every single dental procedure won’t induce pain to the patients, the emphasis of modern dentistry is to make it comfortable and painless. Dentists look for alternatives in conducting the procedures.

For instance, people who are in need of injection but fear needles can opt for a computer-controlled method of injections called The Wand. They can also use numbing gels before an injection, which serves like anesthesia to the gums. 

When trying to calm patients, most dentists also employ their own methods of relaxation to help the patient regain composure. Dentists are now more understanding and more empathetic since it’s their duty to help patients maintain good oral health, and such obstacles are part of the work.


Dentophobia is extremely common among many people globally, but dentistry as a whole has gone a long way already. Dentists and clinics are now knowledgeable in calming down their patients. The goal of dentists for patients who have dentophobia is to help them overcome it completely. For this, dentists require their patients to cooperate to get rid of their fears all in all.

Are you looking for a dentist in Edmonton? Contact us today to set your appointment today!