Dental issues are among the least downplayed health problems all around the world simply because they don’t seem as deadly heart conditions or infections. However, the spread of oral disease has gone under the radar for far too long. This is only more emphasized by the fact that The World Health Organization reports 3.5 billion people—nearly one in two people—to be afflicted by oral issues.

Cavities are some of the most well-known and feared dental issues. The idea of tooth loss and decay is terrifying to adults and children alike. When left untreated, they can quickly grow in severity and result in long-term consequences. It’s a good idea to have this seemingly menial problem addressed while it is still just that—a small, fixable issue. 

In this article, we will be discussing what everyone should know about cavities: symptoms, preventive measures, and all.

What causes cavities?

As a child, your parents probably stopped you from eating too much candy on Halloween. You probably also heard that sugar can attract tiny creatures to live in your teeth and cause cavities! This begs the question: is consuming sugar actually going to put you at a higher risk of this oral disease?

Sugar in and of itself doesn’t produce cavities. However, as Healthline reports, there are a series of events that happen while your body breaks down your food that can cause damage.

In the process of digesting sugar, acids are often produced in your mouth, which breaks down your teeth’s enamel and makes them more prone to damage. Your saliva can prevent this to some extent, but if it is unable to protect your teeth as quickly as the acid is wearing down the layers of enamel, you may very well find yourself with a painful cavity!

What are the symptoms of a cavity?

Cavities can go unnoticed for some time, but eventually, there are very visible (and painful) symptoms that will begin. Should you experience any of the following, make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible:

Painful and sensitive teeth

The first and foremost symptoms of a cavity are tooth pain and sensitivity, especially when biting into food. If you experience pain, discomfort, or even a “zinging” feeling, there’s a possibility that you have a cavity that needs to be treated. 

It’s important to note, however, that tooth pain can also be an indication of heart disease or lung cancer. Make sure to pay a visit to your dentist so they can narrow down the causes of your symptoms.


Staining is another one of the more apparent cavity indicators. Colour changes caused by cavities and smoking can typically be told apart relatively easily because nicotine-induced stains are yellow while those caused by cavities are black or white. Be alert and get your teeth checked out by a dentist to fix the problem before it worsens. Professional teeth cleaning will also help make your teeth less prone to stains.


Often the final symptom, holes in your teeth are a reason to call an emergency dentist. At this point, it will be difficult to repair your teeth and restore them to full function. It’s best to maintain good dental hygiene and pay regular visits to your dentist as to not let them get to this stage in the first place. 

How do you prevent cavities?

Proper day-to-day care will drastically improve your dental health and keep your pearly whites safe from cavities. WHO recommends controlling your sugar intake in order to significantly reduce your chances. Other preventive measures include drinking clean and pH-balanced water that does not contain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances. 

We can’t go without mentioning the importance of flossing and brushing twice a day as well. This will not only prevent cavities but keep other dental issues at bay!


Sugary desserts may be on your mind, but it’s a good idea to push that desire to the side and train your palate to crave less sugar, honey, syrups, and fruit juices. There is most definitely such a thing as too much, and cavities are proof of that!

Aside from changing your dietary habits, instil good dental habits that you practice every day. This will keep your teeth and the rest of your body in better condition!

Whether or not you have a cavity, it’s a good idea to pay biannual visits to an affordable dentist in your area. No matter what type of dental service you need, Edmonton Smiles has got you covered! Offering emergency dental, teeth whitening, preventive services and more, book an appointment with us today!