Cosmetic dentistry procedures have been on the rise in recent years, with many people looking for ways to enhance their smiles. Unlike general dentistry that focuses more on the treatment and prevention of oral complications, cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving your smile, including the overall appearance of your teeth. Even though most of the procedures are mostly for aesthetic purposes, some also provide a few restorative effects.

Various procedures, such as teeth whitening, are straightforward and can be performed by most dentists in Edmonton South, but other procedures are more complex and may need a specialist’s touch for optimal results.

There are many procedures that a cosmetic dentist in Edmonton can perform, but keep in mind that not all will work for everyone. Make an appointment with your dentist first to determine which method will work best for you.

Let’s first consider the health benefits of cosmetic dentistry that you should know:

Physical Health Benefits – crooked or misaligned teeth can cause discomfort and severe headaches. In fact, any abnormal bites can even cause tooth pain and headaches. With cosmetic dentistry, this problem can be solved. Not only for misaligned teeth, but also for decayed, missing, or cracked teeth, making it easier for you to chew on food that would improve your overall physical well-being.

Mental Health Benefits – cosmetic dentistry improves your smile. With a beautiful smile and perfect teeth, you will boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. As you build your confidence from having a great smile, so does your happiness, thus reducing overall stress levels and improving mental health.

Oral Health Benefits – investing in the improvement of your smile means that you will stay motivated to maintain the beautiful results. You will find ways to ensure that the foods and drinks you take do not stain or harm your teeth. Once cracked or chipped teeth are fixed, they become less susceptible to decay, therefore decreasing your chances of gum disease and improving your overall oral health.

Now that you know the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, here are several types that can meet your different oral needs:

Dental Veneers – these are very thin shells made of composite material or porcelain. Veneers are custom-made and cemented to the tooth’s front side. They can be used as a treatment for various dental conditions, such as discoloured teeth, slightly crooked teeth, gaps in the teeth, and chipped teeth.

Composite Bonding – is one of the most cost-effective procedures, teeth bonding is used to repair all kinds of minor dental issues, ranging from a chipped tooth to tooth decay. This procedure requires your dentist to remove any decayed or damaged areas of the tooth before applying the bonding agent. Then, the composite will be applied directly to the surface of your tooth and then shaped to match your natural teeth.

Enamel Abrasion – if you want to get rid of the discolouration on your teeth, enamel abrasion is another procedure that your dentist can perform. This procedure uses fine pumice which is applied in a micro-abrasion machine and then removes surface stains. Bear in mind, however, that this procedure only eliminates surface stains from wine, coffee, soda, or tobacco products and doesn’t work for intrinsic stains or one that is deep-rooted inside the tooth.

Other Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

  • Teeth Whitening or Bleaching
  • Invisalign Braces
  • Dental Crowns or Caps
  • Dental Implants
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Enamel Shaping

Wrapping Up

Make sure that you consult with your dentist regarding what procedure suits your needs before making any final decisions. Keep in mind also that some procedures may not be covered by your dental insurance or may have high out-of-pocket costs. 

If you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist in Edmonton, get in touch with us to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists in South Edmonton today!