Toothaches may seem like a minor issue, but they can seriously affect your day-to-day activities. They can keep you from enjoying your food, concentrating on your work, or having a good time with your friends. 

With that, it’s worth noting that there are different types of tooth pain. Some can be easily resolved by changing your diet and maintaining good oral hygiene. On the other hand, there are others that persist and even worsen. Moreover, some are caused by dental issues while others are brought about by other factors. 

Understanding toothaches better and knowing when to see an emergency dentist in Edmonton, AB can help you get the prompt dental care you need.

On that note, allow us to help you out with this quick guide to tooth pain, its causes, and effective forms of treatment. 

Dental Causes of Tooth Pain 

As mentioned earlier, the pain you are experiencing may be due to dental problems. Here are four of the most common of them: 

Gum Disease 

Also called periodontal disease, this condition is where the gums become painful, red, and swollen. If left unaddressed, it can cause bleeding and pain around the teeth as well as even gum recession. 

Tooth Decay 

This dental issue occurs as a result of plague bacteria damaging a tooth’s structure. It starts to become painful when the decay has reached and infected the pulp. 

Damaged Teeth 

Teeth that are cracked, chipped, or broken can also become sensitive and painful. Aside from that, they can also leave cuts in your cheeks and tongue. 


Also referred to as misalignment, an unaligned or poor bite can cause tooth pain as well. It can lead to soreness not only in the teeth and gums but also in the jaw. 

When to See Your Dentist for Tooth Pain

Visit your dentist as soon as possible if you are experiencing any of these: 

  • Pain that lasts longer than one or two days 
  • Sharp, severe pain
  • Persistent, dull pain
  • Pain when opening your mouth wide
  • Earache
  • Fever along with your toothache

During your consultation, make sure to mention any pain or discomfort you are experiencing. Doing so will help your dentist understand your condition and treat it properly. 

Treating Tooth Pain 

Your dental professional will examine your mouth and perform various solutions based on its condition. 

If you have a minor decay, your toothache may be addressed by a simple cavity filling process. However, if you have more extensive decay, you may need a root canal to relieve tooth pain. 

For toothache caused by or related to gum disease, your dentist will perform scaling and planning. This gives your gums a fresh start. After this, you must keep up a regime of flossing, brushing, and regular dental exams to keep them in good condition. 

Finally, for broken, chipped, or cracked teeth, your dentist will repair and seal them to relieve your toothache. However, if the damages are beyond repair, the affected teeth must be removed; they will be replaced with a denture. 


It can be tempting to brush off toothaches, especially when they simply come and go. However, it pays to remember that they are usually indicators of more serious dental problems. If left unaddressed, these issues may not only make you uncomfortable but also wreak havoc on your teeth and gums. It is for this reason that you must pay attention to the pain you are feeling. If you feel that something isn’t right, see your dentist right away.  

Need an emergency dentist in Edmonton, AB? We’re the ones for you! At Edmonton Smiles, we provide professional and friendly yet affordable dental care to address any issue you may have. Book your appointment today!