Although no one really wants to discuss it or even consider it, there may come a time in an individual’s life when they need a surgical tooth removal. This is a process that should only be done by a dentist or oral surgeon who has great experience and skill, and other options ought to be considered before the tooth extraction is done.

At the dental office of Dr. Molly Rodgers, we can perform a surgical extraction for patients who need them in order to increase their oral health as well as their overall well-being. We find that the wisdom teeth are often the ones that most often need to be extracted due to overcrowding in the mouth, but other teeth may also need this dental treatment.

If you are experiencing severe pain in a tooth that you believe may be diseased, you may be a candidate for tooth extraction. Contact Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental today to schedule an appointment to have your tooth examined and determine if the tooth extraction is right for you.

What Is a Tooth Extraction?

Every tooth in your mouth is connected to your jaw bone via a tooth socket and roots. When a tooth is surgically removed from its location in the jaw bone, that is considered a dental extraction.

Tooth extractions may seem particularly intimidating because it is one of the few procedures where you are actually losing a part of your body in order to improve your health. The healing process can be a challenge if the tooth extraction was particularly difficult, but it is well worth it to avoid more pain and further damage. Tooth decay can spread and even start to cause gum disease if it is not stopped.

When Are Tooth Extractions Necessary?

There are many dental treatments that may be attempted in order to fix decay or damage to a tooth. These include fillings, crowns, root canals, and other options. However, there are times when the damage is just too serious or there is severe tooth decay, and the only option is tooth extraction.

Below are some of the most common reasons that a tooth extraction may be the only option for a patient:

  • Trauma or injury to the mouth, jaw, or gums that have affected the teeth
  • Baby teeth have not yet fallen out but permanent teeth are ready to come through the gums
  • Decay or infections in the tooth have gone too deep
  • Overcrowding in your mouth
  • Impacted wisdom teeth are causing overcrowding
  • Teeth may need to be removed so that orthodontic treatments can put permanent teeth into place

For these situations, your dentist or oral surgeon may suggest a tooth extraction before any other option because it is the best treatment for your circumstances. At Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental, our Edmonton dentist will review your oral health situation and determine the best course of action.

What to Expect from the Edmonton, AB, Oral Surgeon During the Tooth Extraction Process

When it comes to a simple extraction, our Edmonton dentist can perform the treatment. She will review your medical records and then have x-rays taken of the tooth and the surrounding area to ensure that she finds the best way to extract the tooth. If it is more complicated, then she may refer you to oral surgeons who will be able to handle the procedure more effectively.

Once everything has been prepared, you will be given a local anesthetic at the extraction site to make sure that you are not able to feel any pain during the procedure. If the teeth are visible, Dr. Molly Rodgers can perform tooth extractions. Once the numbing has taken effect in the tooth and gum tissue, she will loosen the affected tooth with an elevator and then remove it with dental forceps.

In the case of a more complex extraction, an oral surgeon will perform the procedure because it will involve cutting into the gum tissue and removing a tooth that has not come through or has been broken off at the gum line. Impacted wisdom teeth are a good example.

Following the extraction, you will likely feel some pain and discomfort, so you may be given a prescription medication for pain relief. It is critical that you keep the area clean to prevent any infections. You may experience bleeding at the extraction site, so gauze will be necessary until the blood clot process occurs.

How Long Will It Take the Extraction Site to Heal?

Recovery from a tooth extraction usually takes a few days for the majority of patients. While your body is healing, you should follow a few instructions to reduce pain and minimize the risk of infections:

  • Apply an ice bag immediately after the extraction
  • Limit activity for 24 to 48 hours
  • Do not rinse or spit forcefully for 24 hours to prevent the blood cloth in your socket from dislodging itself
  • Rinse your mouth with a solution of 1/2 teaspoon salt and 8 ounces of warm water within 24 hours of the extraction
  • Avoid drinking through a straw, smoking, eating hard foods (soft foods are recommended for a day or so), and cleaning the teeth next to the extracted tooth area
  • Brush and floss as normal but avoid the extraction site

Following these at-home care instructions will work to ensure that your mouth is able to heal properly without any infections or damage. If the bleeding persists beyond the 24-hour mark, you should contact your dentist. It is important to control bleeding in the area.

Contact Our Edmonton, AB, Dentist to Discuss Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

At Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental, our oral health team is here to make sure that you and your family are healthy and happy. If you are suffering from the pain and discomfort of a damaged or decayed tooth, contact our Edmonton dental office to schedule a tooth extraction in Edmonton with our experienced dentist.

We look forward to giving you a smile you can be proud of at Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental.