One of the worst things to deal with throughout the course of your day is when you are experiencing throbbing tooth pain in your mouth. Whether you are trying to chew food, drink a beverage, or even talk, the pain that results from a tooth issue will not simply subside on its own.

Your teeth, gums, and other parts of your mouth are extremely sensitive when they have been injured or have some type of soft tissue injury. When you are in serious throbbing mouth pain, you may be in need of an appointment for the emergency dental services of an Edmonton emergency dentist.

In situations where an emergency service or treatment is necessary such as an ongoing toothache, it is critical that you find the emergency dental services of an Edmonton dentist who can provide you the relief you need as soon as possible. Whether it is one treatment or a few, relief from a toothache, broken teeth, an abscess, or any other oral health issue, making an appointment with an emergency dental services provider is imperative.

Common Causes of Tooth Pain

Oral pain – no matter which area of the mouth it is in – certainly affects your overall health and well-being. Larger health issues are often made worse by an oral health condition. The insides of your teeth have pulp, and this pulp is a soft material filled with nerves, tissues, and blood vessels. If the nerves are irritated or infected by bacteria (tooth abscess), you are definitely going to be in pain or discomfort because the nerves are some of the most sensitive in your whole body. In many cases, only the dental care and emergency services of an experienced Edmonton emergency dentist will be able to bring you relief.

At Edmonton Smiles, Dr. Molly Rodgers and her team are dedicated to providing emergency dental care to patients in the Edmonton area who are experiencing severe tooth pain.

As you may know (or have experienced), a dental emergency cannot simply be ignored. It needs the attention of a professional dentist with the knowledge, skills, and expertise to remedy the problem and provide you the solution you need to get you back to your normal life.

There are a variety of different and often serious reasons why a patient may be enduring pain in their teeth. Because the nerves in our teeth are so sensitive, any discomfort may feel as if it is a dental emergency.

Some of the most common reasons for your toothache or discomfort include:

  • Tooth decay (cavity)
  • Tooth abscesses (bacterial infection in the center of the tooth)
  • Chipped teeth or broken teeth
  • Wear and tear from repetitive motions (chewing, grinding, clenching)
  • Broken veneers or bridge
  • Loose teeth or crowns
  • Lost filling or old fillings
  • Gum infections
  • Tooth eruption (or partially dislodged) out of the gums
  • Extractions, including wisdom tooth extractions
  • Injuries from contact sports
  • Damage resulting from improper implants
  • Complications from surgery

No matter the reason that a patient is experiencing discomfort or toothaches, it is important that an emergency appointment for dental services is made as soon as possible with an expert Edmonton emergency dentist.

When you are dealing with a serious dental issue, you will not be able to ignore the problem as you might with other types of medical concerns. Dental pain and discomfort can and will disrupt your life and prevent you from focusing on the most important aspects of your life such as family, work, and relaxation. Even sleeping may not be possible due to the pain.

Signs You Need an Emergency Dentist

When patients with dental emergencies make an appointment at our clinic, it is usually because they are experiencing certain symptoms of severity that are indicative of dental emergencies. These include:

  • Sharp or throbbing pain
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Bad odor
  • Foul-tasting drainage from an infected tooth
  • Trouble breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing

Tooth discomfort of any kind can be distracting at the least and completely crippling at its worst. Whether you are dealing with a chipped tooth, broken tooth, swollen wisdom teeth, old fillings, broken crowns, or any other type of dental emergency, making an emergency dental services appointment at the office of Dr. Molly Rogers emergency dentists is critical for your continued health and happiness.


At-Home Tooth Treatment

It is true that in certain cases you may be able to handle some kinds of toothaches on your own without emergency dental services. If the pain in your tooth is coming from around it rather than inside of it, it may subside on its own within a few days. Even pain from a temporary irritation in the gums may go away on its own in a short period of time.

To prevent further irritation and more discomfort while your gums and tooth heal on their own, you can avoid chewing on that side of your mouth and eating soft foods such as eggs or applesauce. It is also important to avoid foods and beverages which are irritants including sweets.

Other at-home remedies include:

  • Rinse with warm saltwater
  • Apply a cold compress
  • Take pain medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen

If these remedies do not help your discomfort or the swelling or redness worsens, you may be in need of a dental emergencies appointment with an Edmonton dentist.

Dental emergencies like chipped or broken teeth, old fillings, cracked crowns, and other issues will not be healed or helped if you apply a cold compress. They definitely need the services of an Edmonton emergency dentist such as ours at Edmonton Smiles.

Contact Our Edmonton Emergency Dental Clinic

If you are one of the many residents in Edmonton who is experiencing a serious dental emergency, contact our experienced emergency dentist at Edmonton Smiles for an appointment at our office.

We offer our patients a variety of emergency services and dental care options such as root canal treatments, broken teeth repair, crowns, tooth extractions including wisdom teeth, and other dental emergency solutions.

Our Edmonton emergency dentist understands that a dental emergency is a serious, life-disrupting situation, and our patients need the right kind of care at an appointment right away. Emergency dentists treat patients during some of the worst times in their lives, so it is important that the Edmonton emergency dentist you choose for your discomfort knows how to provide one of the services you need.

With the experience and expertise, you will find at our office in Edmonton, you can trust that your dental repair, crowns, root canal, or tooth extractions including wisdom teeth will be done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Contact our emergency dentist for any type of emergency situation you may be facing. In addition to treating your dental emergency, we can also provide you with other dental services such as general dentistry, children-specific dental care, cosmetic dentistry (smile design, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, tooth extractions, crowns, hygiene), Botox treatment, headache management, TMJ care, and solutions for sleep apnea.

Whatever dental need you or your family may have, Edmonton Smiles can take care of you. We are dedicated to helping you get and keep the smile you have always wanted with affordable and patient-centric care.