More and more people are trending toward having healthier teeth. However, certain habits can affect the quality of a person’s oral health and cause dental issues that may result in less than an attractive smile. Thanks to innovation, patients can visit a dental clinic to correct dental problems with restorations like dental crowns.

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a custom ‘cap’ that is fitted over a tooth to repair the damage. These crowns help to restore the size and shape of a patient’s tooth or teeth, enhancing their appearance and increasing their strength. They also protect teeth from further damage.

Dental crowns are designed to securely fit the vulnerable teeth, encasing them to keep bacteria out and provide full protection. A crown not only helps one to restore a beautiful smile but also helps them to eat, chew, and speak as they did with their natural tooth.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Crowns?

There are many ways to fix or restore damaged teeth. Dental procedures such as dental fillings are ideal for fixing minor teeth issues such as small cavities. Dental crowns are recommended for more significant dental issues. Examples of dental issues that may need to be fixed with a dental crown include:

Misshapen teeth: Dental crowns are not limited to medical reasons. Dental crowns can be used for cosmetic reasons as well. Dental crowns can be used to cover your natural teeth if you don’t like the shape and size of your teeth or you are unhappy with your smile. A dental crown is also ideal for restoring a discolored tooth.

If you’ve had root canal therapy: This dental procedure is done to remove the infection on the interior of a tooth. It is the best alternative if the patient seeks to save his tooth from extraction. After a root canal, the strength of the affected tooth is compromised and your dentist may advise you to get a dental crown to strengthen and protect it.

Dental implant covers: Edmonton dentists recommend dental implants to restore and replace missing teeth. Normally, an implant is placed into the jaw bone and the gums in order to prevent bone loss. A dental crown is placed on top to create a replacement tooth that looks as good as a natural tooth, if not better. A dental crown can also be used to secure a bridge for a missing tooth.

Worn down, broken, cracked, chipped, or fractured tooth: The enamel is the strongest part of a natural tooth. However, even this part is susceptible to fractures, cracks, and chips. Dental crowns can be used to enhance the appearance of a cracked or chipped tooth.

Severely decayed teeth: If you have a tooth that has a large cavity or a lot of decay, getting a dental crown would be the ideal solution. Severely decayed teeth become weak and getting dental crowns after treatment would provide support to the affected teeth.

Different Types of Dental Crowns

There are two types of crowns; Permanent crowns and temporary crowns. Before dental crowns are installed, an experienced dentist has to shave down the affected tooth to properly shape it to create a base where the crown will adhere to. Before shaving down or filing the tooth, the dentist takes a model or mold of the existing tooth to create an impression of the crown that will replace it.

The tooth impression is taken to the lab to create a temporary crown to ensure it will fit properly. Temporary crowns are made using stainless steel material. Your dentist will then fit the temporary crown to check if it covers the tooth without leaving gaps and that it does not affect your bite. After this procedure, the patient is allowed to go home with the temporary crown to protect the tooth until the next appointment.

The second visit involves removing the temporary crown and placing a permanent crown. Permanent crowns are designed to fit perfectly on teeth and they are created with the right shade to ensure they match the surrounding teeth.

The patient does not feel any pain during this procedure since the dentist numbs the area being treated. Finally, the crown is cemented in place. To prolong the dental crown’s life, you are advised to follow the dentist’s instructions to the letter and maintain proper oral hygiene.

Dental Crown Options

Permanent crowns are made from different materials to provide new patients with different options. Materials used to make dental crowns include:


Dental crowns made with porcelain materials are considered the best cosmetic choice. They can be designed to create a custom crown and they are best installed to restore the front teeth. Many patients also choose porcelain crowns because they provide a natural color match and they are strong and durable if maintained properly.

Porcelain fused to metal

Porcelain fused to metal dental crowns is an improved version of all-porcelain crowns. They are much stronger and ideal for both front and back teeth. These dental crowns are recommended to patients who need dental bridges. They secure the bridges and the metal provides a strong base to make the teeth stronger. One disadvantage of porcelain fused to metal crowns is that the metal may show through the tooth, making it darker.


Permanent crowns are made using other metals than stainless steel. Depending on your preference, you can choose metal crowns made with base-metal alloys such as nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium. Also, you can choose alloys with a high platinum/gold content. Metal crowns are strong and are often used for molars since they can endure wear and tear.


Crowns made from resin are inexpensive. Dentists recommend resin crowns to patients who cannot afford other options. Since they have the shortest life span, you may need to replace a resin crown with a more durable option after a while.

Choose Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental for your Dental Crowns in Edmonton, AB

At Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental, we offer dental crowns along with other restorative procedures in Edmonton, AB, and surrounding areas at affordable rates. The cost of our dental crowns varies depending on the type of crown you pick.

The good news is that you don’t have to worry if you don’t have dental insurance since we offer a membership plan that is cost-effective. Additionally, you can sign up for our comprehensive dental services for your whole family.

For more information about dental crowns, visit our dental clinic at Unit #2905, 2943 66 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6K 4A2. You can also call (587) 410-5907 to schedule an appointment today.