It is crucial for parents and guardians to instill good dental habits in their children from a young age. This may seem instinctive for some children, yet it may be extremely difficult for others. For parents who have the latter, establishing a dental schedule in your home will pay off in the long run. There are many parenting hacks that you can try to help encourage your child to practice good dental hygiene habits.

The Value of Creating a Dental Schedule for Your Children

Many parents have the wrong notion that children do not have to take care of their baby teeth because they will fall out eventually. While this is true that their first teeth will fall out when they reach the age of five to seven, it is still important for children to take care of their baby teeth.

Children may experience severe toothaches if they fail to take care of their baby teeth. These teeth may still become rotten if children do not brush and floss their teeth regularly. If you are having a hard time getting your child to stick to a dental routine, here are some hacks to try and get them into the groove of a dental schedule.

Parenting Dental Hacks to Try

1 – Teach the Proper Dental Habits

Small children’s brains are like sponges. You can take advantage of this by feeding them the right information about dental hygiene. Teach them how to properly brush and floss their teeth and how many times a day to do this. 

2 – Make Dental Charts

You can set up a chart that incorporates a reward system for your children. This chart will help remind them to brush their teeth in the morning and before they go to bed at night. You can agree on what the reward will be after they complete a certain amount of days without forgetting any part of the dental routine.

3 – Set the Right Example

Children usually follow rules by example. If they see you practicing the right dental habits, it will be easy for them to continue practicing these dental habits in the long run. Keep in mind that it usually takes around two months for habits to form. If you encourage your children to continue with their good dental habits for at least two months, they will be more likely to develop the habit.

4 – Let Them Know About the Risks

Telling children about the risks of not having good dental habits will be a good way to motivate them to strive to have good dental hygiene. They will not want to have rotten or missing teeth, so they will make an effort to keep their teeth healthy. 


Teaching children about the importance of good dental hygiene is crucial. Getting them into this habit from a young age will ensure that they carry these good dental habits into adulthood. They should also be taught not to fear the dentist, and they should be encouraged to stick to their dental appointment schedules on top of maintaining a steady dental routine at home.

From the moment your children’s baby teeth are all grown in, it is important for them to start having regular dental visits to ensure that their teeth grow properly and in their correct places. Making it a point to have your children see a dentist while they are young will help them realize how important these periodic dental checkups are.

If you are looking for a dentist for your child, come in for an appointment at Edmonton Smiles! We offer pediatric dental services in the Edmonton area. Let us help you in shaping your child’s dental routine and habits! Bring them in for their first dental check-up today!