This Guest Post by Dr. Molly Rodgers originally appeared on Entrepreneur Mom Now Edmonton For 25 years now I have owned my own dental practice – the last 14 of those years I have also been mom to the two most beautiful amazing twin girls. I am sure that all of us working moms know that working and being a mom is basically 2 full time jobs. Trying to balance these 2 careers – well lets just say it rarely balances. I think it is more like a Teeter Totter – sometimes the kids are flying at the top but at the expense of the business. Other times your kids are stuck at the bottom while you just have to spend  time on your business.  And once in awhile there are days when you actually hit that sweet point and get them to balance. But really it’s the ride up and down that makes it more fun. Click here to read the rest of Dr. Molly Rodgers post.