Smile Edmonton

“I am a 27 year old female who needs a lot of teeth fixed and am wondering if your office offers payment plans?” Our goal is to prevent this from happening and “Heading Toothaches off at the Pass” so to speak. Here is what we do. Your initial consultation is always free.

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Smile Edmonton

Have ever felt like this? I am so afraid of the dentist and because of this, my mouth is a real mess. I would love to be asleep, just to have my teeth cleaned. I have open sores in my mouth and 4 of my teeth just fell out. Is there a product that can…

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Smile Edmonton

What the heck…dentists doing Botox? This has been one of the most common reactions I get from people, and frankly, it’s a hard one for me to explain, even though I am “beyond-the-moon” excited about it. In my experience, most people’s perceptions about Botox seem to be incorrect.

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