When it comes to dental problems, they are more common than you think. Dental problems advance with age also. The older we get, the more our tooth enamel weakens, the gums recede, and various dental issues occur. Most of the common dental problems can be prevented with proper oral hygiene and care like regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. Also, knowing about different dental problems and their symptoms can help you take immediate precautionary steps.

 Gingivitis – Bad Breath

Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial infection. It can be characterized by bad breath or red and bleeding gums while brushing. If you suffer any of these symptoms for a prolonged period, it’s best not to neglect it and consult a dentist. Gingivitis is considered a mild form of the gum disease and can be treated with proper oral care and regular dental cleanings. A periodontal cleaning is required to prevent gingivitis in which the emphasis is on cleaning the gum line. It is reversible and, hence it is essential to go to a periodontist as soon as possible so that it does not turn severe.

Periodontitis – Swollen Gums

The advanced stage of gingivitis is “Periodontitis.” It is a severe condition, where the bacterial infection starts to break down the bone supporting the teeth. So, the patients are likely to experience common dental problems, like swollen gums, gum recession, loose teeth and, eventually, tooth loss. As you can see, it may affect your dental health, and the dentist may even have to remove your teeth if not appropriately treated. Deep cleaning is required at this stage, which consists of two different procedures known as scaling and root planting.

Tooth Decay – Toothache

If you chew on something and feel a sudden pain in your teeth, then it may be caused by tooth decay. Tooth enamel is the hardest and mineralized substance in our body. It is the visible part that forms the outer layer of each tooth. Tooth enamel is like a protective covering that protects the inner layer of your teeth from the effects of acidic and sugary foods and drinks. Erosion of the tooth enamel can lead to cavities, infections, and eventually, tooth decay. Tooth decay is usually characterized by toothache and tooth sensitivity. While regular brushing and flossing are recommended, if you feel severe pain in your teeth, it is best to consult a dentist.

Dental problems have become very common nowadays. An unbalanced diet and lack of oral hygiene have led to an increase in the number of people suffering from common dental problems. These common dental problems can be prevented by maintaining good oral health. If you spot any symptoms of these dental problems, then visit a dentist, and they can treat it and provide you with care tips.