You wake up and start your daily routine. As you grab your toothbrush and open your mouth, you suddenly notice something strange with your teeth and gums. It seems that some of your teeth are now more exposed, and your gums are wearing away. Of course, this will bother you. The next thing you’ll think of is to consult your dentist to figure out what’s wrong with your oral health.

Your dentist will most likely tell that you have receding gums.

What is gum recession?

Receding gums, which is also called ‘gum recession,’ happens when the gum tissue around the teeth pulls back or wears away. Such a condition will expose more of the teeth, and eventually, a buildup of disease-causing bacteria may build up. Unfortunately, this is often disregarded by some patients. Receding of the gums happens gradually, and it’s already late when they discover the bone structure and surrounding tissue of the teeth have been damaged. 

How can you tell that you have receding gums?

Once you notice the following symptoms, it would be best to visit your dentist immediately.

An exposed root of a tooth may be uncomfortable and sensitive. Considered a symptom of periodontal disease, this is often caused by brushing too hard using a hard-bristled toothbrush.

If you notice that your teeth appear to be longer than before, you might also be experiencing gum recession. 

As the gum recedes and attachment becomes less secured, bacteria may build up, causing the teeth to loosen.

What to blame, then?

You might be asking how you can still suffer from receding gums even if you regularly brush your teeth. The truth is, various factors may lead to the receding of the gums:


Studies revealed that 30% of the world’s population is susceptible to periodontal disease, including gum recession, even if they follow a proper oral care routine. It’s because it can be hereditary. If you have someone in your family that has receding gums, then you are at risk of acquiring this, too.

Poor dental care and hygiene

Let’s admit it. You might be brushing or flossing your teeth regularly, but are you doing it properly? Plaque and tartar can accumulate easily when oral care is not done correctly. To fix this, professional tooth cleaning is needed.

Periodontal diseases

Periodontal diseases refer to gum infections that destroy the bone and gum tissue in the mouth. This is actually the main cause of receding gums. Sadly, its symptoms are left unnoticed in the early stage. Although not painful, this can lead to periodontitis when not given proper treatment. 

Be mindful of early gum disease symptoms such as tender and swollen gums, bleeding gums, and chronic bad breath.


Sticky plaque can develop when you are smoking and consuming other tobacco products, which eventually can result in receding gums.

Changes in hormones

This is more common in women. Changes in their estrogen levels during pregnancy, puberty, and menopause can increase the risk of susceptibility to gum recession.

Brushing aggressively

Improper brushing or brushing your teeth so hard can wear the enamel and cause the gum to recede.

Clenching or grinding your teeth

Yes, you should avoid the habit of grinding or clenching your teeth because it can put too much pressure on teeth and gums.


Professional deep cleaning can treat mild gum recession. In this process, tartar is removed, and the exposed area is fixed to prevent bacteria accumulation. Your dentist can also prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the remaining bacteria. When deep cleaning is not enough, surgery for the receding gums may be required.

Protect yourself from gum recession and other oral problems by getting professional teeth cleaning in Edmonton. Edmonton Smiles offer services including emergency dental, preventive services, and teeth whitening. Schedule an appointment today!