In this day and age, walking around with a chipped or broken tooth can be downright embarrassing. It also holds you back from enjoying the simple pleasures, such as a generous bite of candy bars or group photos encouraging everyone to say “cheese!”. If you’re suffering from a chipped tooth, fret not—bonding teeth is now a common practice.

Dental bonding is a relatively inexpensive way to make minor dental repairs, ensuring that your smile can be made new again without causing many dents on your budget. In other cases, dental bonding can be covered by insurance policies. 

What Is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a dental procedure wherein a tooth-coloured resin gets attached to the surface of your tooth. The material gets sculpted to the natural shape of the tooth and gets hardened and polished. It’s a common procedure done to fix minor dental imperfections such as a tooth gap or a chipped tooth. It can also be used to fill small cavities in lieu of silver fillings.

Why should you get dental bonding?

Low costs: As previously mentioned, dental bonding only costs anywhere from $400 to $600, which is inexpensive compared to other dental treatments. It’s also worth noting that most dental insurance plans cover most of the costs of bonding, especially when it’s needed for cavity filling and structural strengthening.  

Flexible uses: As you know, tooth bonding can be used to fix any imperfections within your teeth. It can be used to repair cracked, decayed, and even discoloured teeth, but it’s mostly popular for closing small gaps in between the teeth. 

Quick procedure and no downtime: Unlike other dental treatments, bonding teeth is easy and does not require you to recuperate. There’s no need for anesthesia, and dentists will allow you to resume your routine right after the procedure.

Are there any risks involved in teeth bonding?

Dental bonding is a safe cosmetic procedure that doesn’t have any major risks. However, maintaining the teeth remains important to prevent the resin material from breaking or chipping off. Although the resin can chip off from your tooth, it is typically sturdier than dental crowns and veneers. 

The material used in tooth bonding is sturdy but typically not as strong as natural teeth and extra care should be exercised to prevent any damages. In taking care of your bonded teeth, it’s best to avoid chewing hard food items such as ice and candies. Also refrain from biting hard objects such as pens, pencils, and nails. The material also may get discoloured if you tend to smoke or consume tooth-staining beverages, such as coffee.

Dental Bonding is a Good Choice

If you’re suffering from a minor cosmetic dentistry issue, particularly cracks, gaps, and discolourations, dental bonding is the perfect choice for you. It will help you regain the strength your teeth need to function properly, along with the confidence to help you smile. 

While other treatments are available out there, dental bonding remains to be convenient and inexpensive, making it the perfect choice for individuals of various ages.

If you require the services of dentists in South Edmonton for tooth bonding, Edmonton Smiles has you covered. Our professionals offer you excellent and patient-centred services, ensuring that you enjoy a one-of-a-kind smile. Reach out to us—book an appointment today.