Edmonton Smiles Root Canal Treatment is also called endodontic therapy, involves the removal of the tooth pulp which is also referred to as the nerve, inside the tooth. The procedure becomes necessary when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. If left untreated, an inflamed pulp can cause you a lot of pain. An experienced dentist can carry out the procedure for you and the treated tooth continues to function like any other tooth after that.

Why does the need for root canal arise?

The main reason behind tooth decay is the eating habit of a person. Having too many candies or food that’s high on sugar content, munching on a lot of junk food are some food habits that take a toll on the protective layer of teeth. In cases where tooth decay is minimal and has not reached the root of your teeth, fillings and a change in diet plan are sufficient to fix the problem. The real problem arises when the decay has spread deep into the root. Root canal then removes the infection and the nerve from within your tooth.

Is there a lot of pain involved?

Modern techniques and anesthetics have made the procedure of a root canal quite comfortable for patients. Advancements have made the treatment a virtually pain-free experience. Follow-up medication further helps alleviate the pain, in case any.

How long does a root canal session take?

The time depends on the type of procedure you’re being administered and the tooth undergoing the procedure. The treatment can mostly be completed in a single session of about 1-2 hours. In a few cases, a second visit may be recommended by the dentist.

What precautions do I take after the treatment?

The unrestored tooth must be fully restored as soon as possible. The unrestored tooth is susceptible to fracture, so see your dentist and have it restored at the earliest. Until then, you should exercise caution while eating so as to not chew or bite on the treated tooth. Once restored, you simply need to maintain good oral hygiene. And don’t forget to see your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Is it expensive?

While the cost varies, depending on how complex the problem or which tooth is affected, root canal treatment is definitely less expensive than tooth extraction and replacement with an implant or bridge. Besides, most dental insurance policies offer some coverage for root canal therapy. Visit Our clinic to help ensure good oral health!