Ever wondered how you can replace missing teeth to get that beautiful smile back again? Missing teeth can change the shape of your face, alter your speech, create chewing problems, affect the health of your gums, and create issues for other existing teeth.

Many options are available to get both your self confidence and teeth restored. Dental implants, bridges, and even dentures are some of the best solutions for missing teeth. The most effective and long term treatment to get you smiling again is with dental implants and beautiful porcelain restorations. Here are some reasons you may consider dental implants:

Missing Tooth or Teeth

A missing tooth can be the result of an accident or dental condition. A dental implant replaces the gap created by a missing tooth. Other replacement options only focus on replacing the crown of the teeth. Dental implants focus even on those parts of your teeth that cannot be seen – such as the roots. Dental implants consist of three parts – the screw that goes inside your jaw bone, an abutment that supports the implant, and the porcelain crown that is custom designed to fit perfectly into your smile. This crown looks like your natural tooth and restores all the functions of your original tooth. If you have multiple missing teeth in a row, multiple dental implants and a porcelain bridge will be custom designed to replace and restore your teeth.

Teeth are Shifting Slowly

A missing tooth also affects the adjacent teeth. The space in your mouth caused by a missing (or several missing teeth) can cause the teeth on either side of the gap to shift position. This shifting of adjacent teeth can eventually lead to teeth misalignment and an overall improper bite. The implant-supported crown fills the gap and restores function of the natural tooth. The adjacent teeth can no longer shift and your teeth will remain straight and in proper alignment.

Don’t Want to Harm the Adjacent Teeth

Bridges have also been used as a more cost effective way to replace missing teeth. The disadvantage of a bridge versus an implant is that a bridge must be properly supported by the adjacent teeth. This causes unnecessary pressure and strain on these other teeth. Another disadvantage in using a bridge to replace a tooth is that the adjacent teeth will need to be prepared and healthy enamel will need to be removed. Bridges can therefore unnecessarily harm and create sensitivity in adjacent teeth.

Dental implants however are highly superior because they are placed only where your tooth is missing. Your adjacent teeth will not be unnecessarily harmed since no extra pressure will be placed on them. No enamel is removed to place an implant. An implant-supported crown/bridge can be placed without affecting any existing teeth whatsoever.

Want a Natural-looking Smile

Dentures can also be used as the absolute cheapest way to fill in missing teeth. These teeth often look fake and unnatural looking. The beautiful porcelain crowns and bridges placed over dental implants look and feel exactly like your natural teeth! They are custom designed to perfectly match the shade and shape of your teeth, or can also be created to brighten up your smile. Your dentist will work with you to design implants that effectively restore missing teeth, fill gaps, and give you a completely natural-looking smile again.

Who is a candidate for Dental Implants?

Dental implants can only be placed if you have enough jaw bone to support the screw of the implants. Patients with periodontal disease or certain health issues may not have enough healthy tissue and bone support to effectively allow the implant to heal and osseointegrate. Medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes and autoimmune disorders can interfere with the ability to heal. Tobacco in any form can also interfere with and impede healing results after implant placement. Good oral hygiene is essential for successful implants. Talk to your dentist about your overall health to determine if implants can help you achieve a beautiful smile.