Apart from that time mom and dad used a piece of floss to remove your baby chompers, the idea of losing a tooth may be something that you’re both unaware and afraid of. Although it’s not something that you usually think about day-in, day-out, losing one of your permanent teeth is undoubtedly frightening. Considering that adult teeth don’t grow back, feeling a little bit of panic is understandable if it ends up happening.

If you’ve lost one of your teeth recently or some time ago, you run the risk of getting used to the sensation. However, just because it isn’t painful doesn’t mean you should avoid getting treatment. In fact, there are many reasons why you should replace a missing tooth as quickly as possible.

Why It Pays to Replace Your Missing Tooth

If having a weird feeling while poking and prodding around with your tongue wasn’t enough to convince you, there will come a time when you’ll start to have an itch for replacing your missing tooth. However, the unfortunate truth is that people fail to recognize the fact that there’s a whole lot more to getting a new one fitted in than just simply doing so for the sake of it.

With one of your teeth missing from your mouth and a gap in your gums becoming more difficult to deal with each day, chances are you’re thinking about getting in touch with Edmonton Smiles for help. To help you understand why you should get a dental bridge or smile design treatment, let’s look at some of the most prominent benefits to watch out for: 

Benefit #1: It Helps Improve your Bite

You may not realize it, but having a missing tooth can cause serious problems when it comes to the overall comfort and effectiveness of your bite.

When even a single tooth falls off, the difference is very noticeable because each tooth exerts pressure on its neighbours to remain strong and stable. Because of this, a missing tooth can mess things up. If a missing tooth isn’t replaced as soon as possible, horizontal and vertical shifts start to occur inside your mouth. This may lead to drastic changes to one’s bite pattern that will significantly affect the way you eat and even speak! 

Benefit #2: It Restores your Dental Hygiene 

Here’s something you should know: having a missing tooth can spell disaster for your dental hygiene. A missing molar, premolar, canine, or incisor can lead to lapses in the overall health of your mouth as it leaves an exposed area in your gums. This open space can become a breeding ground for bacteria when it isn’t cleaned properly—leading to problems like: 

  • Bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • Infected gums (gum disease)
  • Gum recession

Benefit #3: It Improves Your Smile

Last but definitely not least: getting a replacement for your missing tooth can go a long way towards ensuring that you have the best-looking smile. A tooth replacement can also make positive changes to the shape of your jawbones, lips, and cheeks while making you look younger in the process! 


A missing tooth may seem minor at first, but it presents some significant issues that you need to be especially mindful of. By getting a replacement for any lost permanent teeth, it will be easier to ensure that you don’t put your dental health in jeopardy. Thankfully, there are several dental procedures that can help!

Are you looking for professional orthodontists in Edmonton or oral surgeons who can handle your needs? Our team of dental experts can provide you with the best experience worth every penny. Get in touch with us and book an appointment today!