One of the important aspects of an attractive smile are healthy teeth. Your beautiful smile and confidence can be affected if you lose one or more teeth. To help you maintain a beautiful smile, cosmetic dentistry procedures like dentures are available. Dentures are custom-made artificial set of teeth that are recommended when you lose a couple or more teeth. Let’s discuss more about them in detail:

Dentures and How do They Work?

As mentioned above, dentures are replacement for your missing teeth. They are custom made, removable set of artificial teeth. The dentist analyzes your oral condition, takes impression of your mouth and create custom made dentures for you. This is done to ensure they fit in well and match the color of your remaining, natural teeth. Today, dentures are natural looking and more comfortable than ever.

Types of dentures

  • A conventional full denture is used after all the remaining teeth are removed. The entire procedure can take several months, as the denture is placed only after tissues heal. So, you will be without teeth for that period.

  • An immediate full denture is a procedure where your dentures are placed in your mouth immediately after removing the remaining teeth. Your dentist takes the impression of your mouth and teeth structure to make dentures for you.

  • Partial dentures are supported by the remaining set of teeth, which does not require to be pulled out. In some cases, this type of denture is supported by a crown placed on your natural teeth.

Care Tips for Dentures

Like after every treatment, dentures also require certain amount of care. Since they are delicate you need to handle them with care, else they can break. Make sure you keep them soaked in a container or water and not allow them to dry out. Don’t use hot water, which can cause them to warp. Since they are teeth replacement and will be performing all the functions of a teeth, you’ll need to keep them clean. Brush them daily to remove any stuck up food particles and debris. Also, clean your gums and tongue before inserting your dentures. In case your dentures break, chip or have been worn out, then consult a dentist and get them replaced with new ones.

Your smile is precious. We, at Edmonton Smiles, understand that. If you have a missing tooth or face any dental issue that is impacting your smile, then feel free to get in touch with us, and we’ll be happy to help.