Nobody wants to experience one dreadful thing to find out that cavities are already gnawing at their tooth without them knowing! Every time you brush your teeth, you might feel at ease since you don’t see black holes in your mouth. However, it is impossible to see every side of every tooth in the mouth without specialized tools, which is why you need to visit your dentist and open your mouth for a check-up. 

You might be surprised to learn that, despite all your efforts, you’ve developed cavities—even without feeling pain or sensitivity in your gums or teeth. How can that be possible? Maybe, you believe in some myths about tooth cavities.

Myth #1: You Can Tell When You Have Cavities

Cavities start small, and you may not feel any symptoms. However, if they are left untreated, you might find out when it’s already too late. This is the reason regular check-ups with your dentist will be a big help. Your dentist has ways to detect cavities and help you prevent them from getting worse.

Debunk the misconception that you can detect cavities yourself. Once you feel any pain and sensitivity in your teeth, make sure to have them checked by a dentist. 

Myth #2 You Are More Prone to Cavities If you Have Large Gaps in your Teeth

This is wrong! Actually, cavities are more likely to thrive and develop in the teeth’s small and hidden crevices. This is because they are harder to clean—harder to remove food debris from.

On the other hand, when your teeth have larger gaps, they are easier to brush and remove the dirt. However, that doesn’t mean that you will not develop cavities if you have larger gaps. Proper oral hygiene is still essential, so make sure you apply it.

Myth #3 Sugar is the Only Culprit for Cavities.

Various factors can cause cavities, so don’t blame sugar. Starchy foods, such as your favourite bread and pasta, can also cause cavities and damage the teeth. Like sugar, starch also stimulates the growth of bacteria in the mouth. That’s why you should always brush and floss your teeth after eating starchy and sweet foods. 

Myth #4: Snack a Lot to Increase Saliva Production.

Well, this is somehow true. Chewing can really increase the production of saliva in the mouth. Consistent production of saliva can help protect the tooth’s enamel. However, snacking a lot just to keep you eating and chewing may not be a good idea, especially if your snacks are high in sugar and starch. You may actually produce acid that causes cavities.

You don’t need to stop snacking, but just make sure that you brush your teeth after eating your snack to avoid particles left in the teeth.

Myth #5: You Can’t Get another Cavity in the Same Area You’ve Treated With.

If your dentist has already treated one of your teeth for a cavity, do not expect that it will be a “super tooth” after. It is still susceptible to cavities, especially if oral hygiene is neglected. Changes in the mouth can happen, so when a treated cavity has been exposed again to bacteria, cavities may start over.


It’s always best to trust professionals when it comes to your dental health. You may think that your teeth are healthy and don’t need prompt action, but they actually do. Ensure that you enact proper oral hygiene habits like flossing, brushing, and using mouthwash. Of course, do not forget your appointment with your dentist.

Be cavity-free! We offer emergency, general, dental, pediatric, and cosmetic dentistry with our patient-focused dental care service. If you’re looking for an affordable dentist in Edmonton to keep your teeth strong and healthy, book an appointment with us today!