Getting oral surgery is one thing, and dealing with dental recovery is another. Oral surgery entails any surgical procedure in or around your mouth or jaw that is performed by a dental specialist. Common surgeries for teeth and jaw include impacted wisdom teeth, gum graft, tooth implants, maxillofacial surgery, root canal, and jaw and teeth repair following an injury. 

Whatever the type of oral surgery you get, taking good care of your oral health and ensuring a quick dental recovery is paramount. By following all post-operative instructions provided by your dentist, you can prevent trauma or infection to the surgical site. 

In the following section, we’ll discuss what recovery from oral surgery requires, and how long it will take for your surgery to recover. Keep on reading to learn more.

Recovery time

Dentists suggest you keep your schedule free for two days after the oral surgery. This is because it takes a minimum of 48 hours for the dental swelling and pain to subside. You can return to your normal yet light routine activities within 48 hours after the surgery. However, know that the complete swelling will resolve in about a week. For this reason, be wary not to resume any strenuous physical activities during that recovery period. 

Oral hygiene

When it comes to your oral hygiene, there are a few considerations you should keep in mind. First, avoid vigorous spitting or rinsing as much as possible for the first 24 hours after the oral surgery. Second, consider gently brushing and flossing, only if you can open your jaws wide enough. Third, consider rinsing your mouth with a lukewarm saline or saltwater solution after 24 hours, particularly if you can’t brush your teeth yet.


It’s important to know that bleeding is typical responses in the first 24 hours after the surgery. However, there are effective steps to take in preventing and ensuring a faster oral surgery recovery. First, you can stop the bleeding by biting down firmly on the gauze for the first hour after the surgery. Second, you can take a sip of warm water to moisten the bandage. 


Swelling is also a normal response in the first 24 hours after the oral surgery, but there are ways to reduce it.  First, make sure to keep your head elevated with the help of pillows for the first few hours. Second, consider using an ice pack to reduce swelling in the first 24 hours as well. Know that it is normal for some stiffness to be present in the facial muscles for up to ten days after the surgery because it typically takes seven to ten days for swelling to be gone entirely.

Pain and medications

Oral pain varies from one person to another, and so are pain medications. The pain that is experienced also depends on the type and extent of oral surgery performed. Generally, your dentist or oral surgeon will prescribe certain medications to help manage the pain. As a rule of thumb, make sure that you follow all the instructions provided by your dentist very carefully. 

Oral surgeries can range from simple to complex. Albeit they are common, it’s crucial to manage your oral recovery properly. Consider all the valuable information outlined above during your dental healing and recovery period. Knowing how long it will take for you to recover and resorting to effective ways to quicken the healing process can make all the difference in your recovery from oral surgery. 

If you’re looking for a dental clinic in Edmonton, get in touch with Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental – Edmonton Smiles today! We’re happy to help.