During a busy day, you may want to feel relaxed and comfortable. A sweet treat like smoothies and ice cream can help. However, you also need to be cautious because they can trigger tooth sensitivity. One in every three Canadians is said to experience painful teeth because of sensitivity. It is essential to know the different causes of this dental condition so that proper prevention and care can be done.

What Is Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity, is a common dental issue that is mainly caused by unhealthy oral habits or a side effect of an underlying medical condition.

Top Causes of Tooth Sensitivity to Due to Cold

When dentin, the tooth’s sensitive soft layer covering the tooth pulp, gets exposed, sensitivity may occur. The following are some of the top causes why tooth sensitivity develops:

Tooth Decay That Has Been Untreated

One of the first symptoms of tooth sensitivity is tooth decay. Once a hole develops in the enamel, bacteria can get through it. The result: the dentin will be exposed to cold or extreme temperature, leading to sensitivity.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, can also lead to tooth sensitivity. People who are suffering from stress are more prone to teeth grinding. Biting with too much pressure can harm your dentin and make it exposed. 

Exposed Tooth Root

Located below the gum line, the tooth root can also cause tooth sensitivity. A tooth’s root contains blood vessels and nerves protected by a layer of cementum. When the cementum or the gum gets damaged, the roots become exposed to what you eat. This is why when you eat either hot or cold food, you may experience sensitivity. Other things that can cause an exposed root include smoking and gum recession.

Using a Toothpick and Aggressive Brushing

Both brushing and flossing are good habits for oral health care. However, make sure to brush your teeth gently. Scratching the enamel’s surface may also cause tooth decay and sensitive teeth. Once that happens, bacteria can enter the teeth and add further damage.

You should also be careful when using dental floss. A hard toothpick can cause scratches on the tooth’s surface. Although the enamel is known to be the hardest element in the body, it can’t repair itself once damaged.

A Chipped or Cracked Tooth

A cracked or chipped tooth can be due to injury or putting too much pressure on it when biting or chewing. Even a tiny crack on the tooth’s enamel can lead to tooth sensitivity. You may become prone to infection, and bacteria may get through the tooth’s inner layers.

Post-Treatment Sensitivity

Teeth whitening and other treatments can also cause temporary tooth sensitivity. Whitening solutions can remove minerals and weaken the tooth enamel, causing tooth sensitivity. It can be alleviated by drinking fluoridated water and eating foods rich in fluoride. 


Tooth sensitivity is not only uncomfortable, but also painful. It may hamper you from doing your daily tasks and experiencing simple joys like eating ice cream or drinking a hot cup of coffee. The good news is, you don’t have to suffer from sensitive teeth. Visit your dentist to know the right treatment for you.

At Edmonton Smiles, we provide top-notch, patient-focused dental care, like emergency dental, pediatric, general, and cosmetic dentistry. If you need an affordable dentist in Edmonton to keep your gums and teeth healthy, contact us today to schedule an appointment!