The first thing people generally think of when they hear the term “fluoride” is toothpaste. That is because many toothpaste brands on the market use fluoride to enhance oral health. 

With that said, many parents are concerned when it comes to fluoride and their children. Some believe that fluoride is dangerous and should never be near our mouths, while others consider that a myth.

Regardless of what other people think, is fluoride safe for children? Let us find out together.

What is fluoride? 

Before we get into the detail about what fluoride does and whether it is safe for kids, let us first talk about fluoride itself. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral used in toothpaste to strengthen oral health and prevent tooth decay. It works by strengthening the teeth’ enamel, helping it resist decay.  

Besides toothpaste, fluoride is also found in many other items, such as drinking water and food. 

Is it safe to use? 

Fluoride in toothpaste is perfectly safe for both adults and children. That is it is heavily regulated, meaning there will never be enough of it in a product that can harm a person’s health.

Note that there is such a thing as too much fluoride. However, excessive intake of fluoride does not do any harm regarding oral health. It may cause spots to form on the teeth, especially baby teeth, but this is only a cosmetic problem.

How much toothpaste should children use?

If you are anxious about fluoride affecting your child’s oral health, there are a few things you can do to minimize how much of it your child is exposed to.

If you are brushing your baby’s teeth, remember to apply only a small smear of toothpaste on the brush. Your baby will not be able to spit just yet, so you need to be careful about how much you use. A tiny amount is enough to ensure that your baby’s teeth get the proper care it needs without the risk of excess fluoride.

If your child is older, at about three to six years old, a pea-sized amount of toothpaste will suffice. Just make sure your child spits it out after.

Is fluoride treatment a good idea? 

You may have come across a dental treatment known as fluoride treatment. This is a procedure that can help children minimize the risk of cavities. Dentists only apply a thin layer of fluoride during this treatment, so you do not have to worry about it harming your child. 


Fluoride is perfectly safe for your children, so you should not have anything to worry about when it comes to keeping your children’s teeth healthy with fluoride toothpaste. However, if anything still concerns you, do not be afraid to contact your dentist. They will help you understand the use of fluoride in toothpaste and help clear any other worries you may have. They can also give you more tips on how you can maintain your children’s oral health to keep their teeth, gums, and mouth protected. 

Edmonton Smiles is a dental clinic that offers various dental services, from teeth whitening to preventive services. If you are looking for dentists in South Edmonton for dentistry for kids, visit our clinic today!