Understandably, brushing one’s teeth is the first thing that comes to mind for families when oral care comes up. It’s more than fair enough since brushing is extremely crucial, as pediatric dentists in Edmonton will tell you. Another equally important part of caring for one’s teeth, though, is flossing. For some reason, a majority of kids and even adults have a tendency to forget it or not do it well.

It can be challenging to guide children, specifically their tiny hands, with regards to dental floss. However, it is incredibly vital to give as much importance to flossing as one does to brushing their teeth.

Here are some of the best ways you can help your kids with their flossing.

Choose a Floss Type

Little kids don’t necessarily possess enough muscular coordination for proper flossing. Sometimes, it may have to be done for them. Pics and holders, for a number of families, help in easing this difficulty. It also allows for grip ease and improvement in coordination. By the time they turn 8 years old, kids generally know how to floss properly.

Aside from styles, there are actually a number of flavours and colours available when it comes to floss. There are also various degrees of smoothness available. Make sure to work with a pediatric dentist in Edmonton to figure out what makes things most convenient and enjoyable for your child.

Lead by Example

One of the quickest and most important ways that children learn is through observation. When you floss regularly, even if it’s just once a day, they will be far more likely to add it to their own routine. It doesn’t take too long to run dental floss across your teeth. Tell your child that there are some places a toothbrush can’t get to, but the floss can. It’s also a great way for bacteria and food particles under the gums to be gently yet permanently dislodged. Left unaddressed, the particles left behind will end up initiating a dangerous cycle of infections and inflamed gums.

Use a Reward System

One of the best ways to help a child learn across the board is positive reinforcement. This can certainly apply in terms of dental care and overall hygiene. Did your child brush their teeth and floss when they woke up as well as before going to bed? Then they’ve earned themselves a sticker or gold star. After a certain amount of those good markers are reached, treat them based on their interests. That could be anywhere from a zoo visit, buying a new toy, or their favourite treat. Fussy kids, in particular, will benefit from this.


Brushing your teeth every day is vital, and flossing is equally important. Let your children learn from you as you lead them by example and, where necessary, make things more exciting by trying a rewards system. At the end of the day, it’s all about building healthy hygiene habits that your child can carry all the way into their grown-up years.

Do you need pediatric dental care in Edmonton? Drop us a line at Edmonton Smiles! We are the place for emergency dental, teeth whitening, and preventive services.