Cavity formation in teeth is a commonly known dental complication. Cavities are often caused due to the food you eat, especially ones that are high in sugar and acid content. The bacteria feeds upon the sugary foods you eat and slowly infects your tooth. In the early stages you may not feel a thing, but as the infection reaches the nerves and dentin of the teeth, it can become troublesome. So, it is imperative for you to know what causes cavities to save your teeth from getting infected or extracted in the future. In this article, we will be discussing the signs that may indicate cavities.

Signs You May Have a Cavity

Tooth sensitivity

When a cavity is formed, the inner nerves of that tooth are exposed to the food, fluid, and bacteria. The infected tooth in turns becomes sensitive to hot, cold, and sugary food items that cause excruciating pain in the area near the infected tooth. If you are experiencing pricking pain in your mouth, get yourself checked by a dentist to get a clear idea of the issue.

Bad breath

Cavities are caused by bacterial accumulation on teeth, which, in turn, causes bad breath. Sometimes, bad breath may be due to the intake of odor-causing food items like onion or garlic that goes away with brushing or flossing. But, if it persists for a long time, then you may be at the risk of cavity or tooth decay. Such a situation must be immediately brought into notice of a dentist to avoid further damage to your teeth.

Cracked tooth

Sometimes, a cracked tooth is a result of accidents or consumption of hard food items. They can also be a result of bacterial accumulation. Bacteria weakens the tooth enamel and makes it prone to cracking. The cracking of tooth enamel exposes the roots of the tooth to the food you eat and bacteria, thereby causing infection and excruciating pain.

Dark spots or holes

If you have observed dark spots or holes on your teeth, it may be a sign of cavity. Sometimes it is just a natural stain on your teeth, but if it feels sticky or painful, then it is the sign of cavity. If you come across dark spots or holes in your teeth then leaving it untreated is a big mistake. The dark spots or a holes will go on increasing and infect your teeth even more.


Sudden pain in your teeth or tooth can be a sign of a cavity. If you are experiencing pain in your teeth or tooth, then you must go through a complete dental checkup as soon as possible. It is better to treat a cavity then losing a tooth when the infection has completely decayed your tooth.


If you have come across any of the signs of dental cavities, rush to your nearest dentist as soon as possible. Leaving the tooth cavity untreated may cause serious dental health issues later in life. So, it is better to get checked by a dentist to tackle the situation before it worsens.