In their growing years, children are often curious about many things and their sweet tooth keeps them going for long periods. In fact, they may not be the easiest group to talk to when it comes to their oral health. This is why parents must play a role in their child’s oral health until they’re old enough to take care of them by themselves. 

Indeed, it’s a challenge to instil good oral habits early on, but remember that you can always set an example for them to follow. For this reason, what you teach your kids will have a significant impact on their lives!

In this article, we will share four practical ways to take care of your child’s oral health: 

1. Avoid Using The Pacifier

Pacifiers are very convenient, especially for parents, because it does a great job pacifying and keeping the child quiet. However, over time, kids become too attached to it, thanks to its soothing effect, but this is when it becomes a challenge. Pacifier teeth are a common issue that changes the shape of the mouth’s roof. Moreover, it could lead to other problems like misaligned teeth and changes in jaw alignment. 

Before it gets worse, you should do your best and avoid using the pacifier and find other alternatives, like a baby carrot instead. At night, you can distract your child with toys or a bedtime story. Eventually, they’ll get used to living without their pacifier. 

2. Make It A Fun Experience To Brush Their Teeth

One of the reasons children don’t like brushing their teeth is because they feel like it’s a chore. What you can do is to make it a fun experience instead. For one, you can get your child an electric toothbrush or perhaps, you can buy your kids fun toothbrushes with their favourite characters. 

It’s also helpful to buy their favourite toothpaste, while some parents even follow a reward system. The point here is to be creative, make the experience fun, and your kids will be looking forward to brushing their teeth!

3. Feed Them With Healthier Foods

Always remember that the food your children consume has an impact on their oral health. This is why you should teach your children about the importance of healthy foods, even from their early years. Introduce to them alternatives that are delicious and even more nutritious. Foods that are rich in calcium, fibre, and protein are perfect for achieving better oral health. Instead of the usual ice cream, consider giving them a yogurt instead!

4. Discipline Your Children

Positive reinforcements are important for your children to follow an effective oral hygiene routine. This is a great way to discipline your kids that they can use later in life. Have them brush their teeth twice a day, floss before bed, use mouthwash after eating sugary or sticky foods, and avoid bedtime eating. 


Indeed, taking care of your children’s teeth is a challenge, especially your little ones. The good news is that you will have an easier time in the future when you start them early. By the time they grow up, they will understand the importance of good oral health that they will follow for the rest of their lives. Another effective way to take care of your child’s teeth is to see the dentist regularly. Make an appointment with your pediatric dentist in Edmonton to keep your kids’ teeth in check. 

Edmonton Smiles has the best pediatric dentists in Edmonton that will take care of your children’s teeth. With our reliable services, we can help identify teeth problems before they get worse. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!