Have you seen those celebrities on TV sporting a set of pearly white teeth? If yes, then the chances are that they’ve undergone some whitening treatments! Yes, Teeth Whitening Edmonton solutions are readily available in today’s market, whether through whitening products or oral treatments in the dental clinic. However, if you want an effective dental solution, then a professional procedure can be your best bet. Yet, there are a few steps you need to take to make sure it lasts longer.

In this article, we will share our guide to making your teeth whitening for as long as possible:

Brush and floss your teeth regularly

If you want your teeth to stay sparkling white and bright, proper oral hygiene is a must. On top of this habit is to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. If you want to maintain your white teeth, then it’s best to do so after every meal to remove any stains that may be left behind. This is because doing it will also remove food particles and bacteria that may have gotten dislodged in your teeth. Ultimately, proper oral hygiene is vital to foster your oral health and give you strong and healthy teeth!

Visit your dentist every six months

When it comes to maintaining oral health, one important rule of thumb is to visit your dentist every six months. These visits will involve dental checkups and dental cleaning. Teeth cleaning usually make use of effective solutions that will get rid of stubborn stains and plaques. If you’ve recently had a professional treatment, your dentist will most likely require you to have quarterly visits. In the end, the dental visits are for whitening touch-ups that will keep your teeth looking white for as long as possible.

Teeth Whitening Edmonton

Quit smoking

Many people know that smoking can heavily stain teeth, yet they continue this practice. For example, look at chain smokers and see how they have yellowish, if not, brownish teeth. This is because the nicotine and tar in the cigarettes can badly stain the teeth. Now, if you’ve recently received a professional whitening treatment, it’s a good idea to quit smoking altogether. Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of getting treatment if you won’t give up the main culprit of teeth-staining in the first place!

Avoid teeth-staining foods and drinks

Keep in mind that certain foods and beverages can significantly cause teeth staining. Once you’re done getting a teeth whitening treatment, it’s best to avoid these staples, such as sugary and starchy foods, berries, tomato sauce, and those with food flavoring. For beverages, be sure to avoid coffee, tea, red wine, and soda. If you can’t do away with them, at least make it a habit to practice moderate intake and brush your teeth after consuming them.

Eat foods for teeth protection

If you want to protect your teeth, eating foods good for your oral health can make all the difference. As a recommendation, opt for crunchy fruits and leafy greens packed with water, such as celery, carrots, apples, and oranges. Also, go for cheese and yogurt as they’re rich in calcium and phosphorus that will keep your teeth enamels strong and healthy!


At this point, you now know how to make your teeth whitening last longer. As outlined above, all it takes is to brush and floss your teeth regularly, visit your dentist every six months, quit smoking, avoid teeth-staining foods and drinks, and eat foods for oral protection. When you practice all these key steps, you can expect to have a pearly white smile for a long time!

Are you looking for professional teeth whitening in Edmonton? We’ve got you covered, as we at Edmonton Smiles provide affordable yet patient-focused dental care, such as emergency dental, general, pediatric, and cosmetic dentistry. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!