No one can deny the fact that everyone always looks forward to teeth cleaning services from a professional because it leaves one’s teeth and mouth feeling refreshed and clean. But after a few days or weeks, the sensation on the mouth goes back to normal—and you’ll have to wait another six months for the next appointment again.

It’s vital to keep your oral hygiene healthy before and after a tooth cleaning procedure. That way, not only will it give your dentist an easier time going over your teeth, but you’ll also enjoy having excellent oral health at all times. You never have to worry about dealing with cavities, toothaches, and unwanted oral situations because you strive to maintain proper oral hygiene.

If you want to know what to do to keep the same feeling you get after a professional cleaning treatment, keep reading below.

Cut Back on Drinking Soda

People who drink soda regularly are unwary of putting their oral health in danger because the various acids it contains can negatively impact your teeth in the long run. Soda can end up destroying your teeth’s enamel and make you more prone to cavities.

While drinking soda once in a while is fine, it will be better to just stick to drinking water instead to keep yourself healthy and hydrated. If you’re looking to add flavour, you can opt to throw in some fruit or mint leaves to enhance your drink.

Minimize Your Sugar Intake

Alongside controlling your soda consumption, it’s also a must for people worried about their oral health to reduce the amount of sugar they eat regularly. When you stay away from dessert and various food items that are high in sugar, you’re increasing your chances of keeping your teeth clean and healthy—just in time for your next teeth cleaning procedure.

Sugar can encourage bacteria to grow in your mouth, eventually leading to the formation of plaque on your teeth. Once the plaque begins to target your enamel and gums, you will experience the slow deterioration of your teeth. While you don’t have to go cold turkey on sugar, you are encouraged to eat such food products in moderation and learn to brush and floss after every sweet snack.

Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Everyone knows how harmful the effects of cigarettes can be on the teeth. If you continue to smoke after getting a dentist to work their magic and clean your teeth during your much-awaited appointment, all their work will become meaningless. 

Since cigarettes contain nicotine and tar, they have the power to affect your gums over time. Besides that, smoking consistently can aggravate the bacteria and plaque in your mouth and cause them to reproduce more, leading to gum disease and tooth decay. When you start to lose teeth and increase your chances of having oral cancer, you will have no choice but to call an emergency dentist.

Perform the Right Oral Technique

No matter how hard you brush and floss your teeth, if you aren’t doing it correctly, you will continue to experience oral problems. The right way of brushing is to hold your toothbrush at a forty-five-degree angle and perform short circular motions ten to fifteen times per tooth.

That’s one effective method of ensuring you clean your teeth from top to bottom to prepare you for your next visit to the dentist. If you aren’t satisfied, you can seek advice from your dental hygienist so that they can tell you about the different ways to brush and floss your teeth correctly.


Your teeth don’t have to remain clean and gleam only when you’re looking forward to a dental appointment at your clinic. In fact, you have to maintain healthy oral hygiene throughout your days to skip dental emergencies and give you less worry about any potential issues from arising. When you learn to cut back on soda, sugar, and cigarettes, you will witness significant changes in your dental health. Don’t forget to perform the right oral technique each time you brush and floss to guarantee you won’t be dealing with cavities, plaque, and tooth decay anytime soon!

Are you looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Edmonton to provide you with regular teeth cleaning treatments? Edmonton Smiles delivers emergency dental, teeth whitening, and preventive services to patients in need. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!