Advancing age can put seniors at risk since they are more prone to several oral health problems. It is essential to take care of your teeth when you are still young to avoid facing dental issues when you get older. If you’ve now reached your golden age, you shouldn’t stop taking care of your teeth so you can enjoy eating with ease and without complications. 

If you are looking for ways to take care of your teeth now that you’re in your senior years, it’s not too late to learn how. Here are some tips that you can follow to ensure that you are properly maintaining your teeth’s health. 

Visit the Dentist Regularly

This tip is probably the most effective solution to ensure that your teeth are properly maintained. Your dentist should know how to take care of your teeth properly, and they can give you advice on how you can help yourself. Seniors who are on top of their dental care have a higher chance of preventing gum disease, oral cancer, and tooth decay since they are regularly checked by a professional. 

Ensure to Maintain Balanced Diet

Your diet will affect not only your physical health but also your dental health since the food you take will all go inside your mouth. Therefore, it is essential that you eat healthy food and snacks that will make your teeth strong in place. Your diet must contain more non-acidic fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, and you should lessen or avoid the intake of sugar if you can.

Avoid Smoking

In most cases, heavy smokers are more likely to develop dental complications like gum disease and cancer. There’s a much higher chance of gum disease because smokers often build more tartar than non-smokers, and tartar often causes this disease. If you’ve reached your golden age, it is advisable to avoid smoking since it will also affect your overall health.

Take Care of Your Dentures or Implants

If you have dentures, it doesn’t mean that you won’t be caring for them like your natural teeth. Dentures will automatically be a part of your overall teeth structure, so it’s essential that you clean them as much. Additionally, they are not immune to plaque and tartar, so brush them regularly, use floss, and ensure that you clean your gums as well. 

Some dentists would also recommend soaking your dentures in a cleaner to help plaque and tartar loosen and come off quickly. The same applies if you have implants. By doing this, you’ll ultimately achieve a cleaner and less cavity-prone set of teeth.

Maintain Proper Oral Care

Regardless of age, maintaining oral health can help prevent your teeth from experiencing severe dental conditions like gum disease and oral cancer. While gum disease is painless in the first stage, it will eventually build up, causing unbearable pain brought by the deep spaces in your gums. On the other hand, oral cancer is usually diagnosed around the age of 62, so if you want to get away with these diseases, you must visit and consult with your dentist regularly. 

Use Fluoride-rich Toothpaste

Fluoride-rich toothpaste helps suppress plaque and strengthens the foundation of your teeth. Once you start getting old, your teeth gradually weaken, and using fluoride-rich toothpaste can help slow down the progression. 


Taking care of your teeth requires no age. It provides many benefits, especially when you enter your senior years. It’s not that hard to take care of it; you just need to follow these tips and ensure you’re not neglecting dental care. After all, we all want stronger teeth once we’re older!

If you are looking for a dentist in Edmonton, Edmonton Smiles can provide you with the dental services you need! We offer preventive services, teeth whitening, and emergency dental services. Schedule your appointment with us now!