From a very young age, we are taught that it is important to take care of our teeth and gums so that we have bright, shining smiles, good breath, and no cavities (tooth decay), gingivitis, or gum disease. There are many factors to consider when it comes to taking care of our teeth as well as the gums, and all of those factors play a role in our oral hygiene and overall health.

At the dental office of Dr. Molly Rodgers, our team is dedicated to helping you have healthy teeth and excellent oral health. From the prevention of tooth decay to catching early signs of oral cancer and everything in between, our dental team will make sure that you and your whole family know the best ways to care for your teeth and gums.

Benefits of Good Oral Health

When you maintain exceptional oral health, it is not just for the looks of your smile. Although you will have a healthier smile with a solid oral health care regimen, you will also be contributing to your overall well-being. Conditions like heart disease can be affected by your dental health, so it is advantageous for your whole body if you take care of your teeth and gums.

Additionally, having a healthy happy smile can give you a boost in your confidence and self-esteem, ensure you always have fresh breath and stave off any signs of gum disease, tooth loss, or issues with the tooth enamel. Healthy gums, healthy mouths, and healthy smiles contribute to your well-being in a multitude of ways.

Ways to Maintain a Healthy Smile and Prevent Gum Disease

The benefits of a healthy smile and keeping those pearly whites shining are more than worth the time and effort you will spend taking care of your strong teeth, gums, and tongue. Here are some of the top ways to ensure that you are able to maintain the health of your teeth’s surfaces and the gum line:

  • Brushing and flossing daily: Your dentist recommends brushing at least twice a day with an electric toothbrush and flossing at least once. If you have a sugary food item or beverage, be sure to brush immediately to prevent the sugar from lingering on your teeth.
  • Visit your dental hygienist or dentist regularly: You should be in your dentist’s chair one to two times per year to have your mouth examined and teeth cleaned, depending on your oral health and your dentist’s recommendations.
  • Quit smoking: There are many reasons why you should quit smoking, and your oral health is another great one. Smoking leaves residue on your teeth that can stain the enamel, and nicotine is known to cause mouth cancer.
  • Limit your intake of beverages that stain your teeth: Beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine can quickly begin to stain your teeth, and then you will need to visit your dentist in order to have them polished. If you must drink them, try doing so through a straw and rinsing your mouth afterward.
  • Eliminate sugary drinks (like sports drinks) and an overload of sweet treat desserts: Sugar really wreaks havoc on your teeth, so eliminating sugar-filled drinks and sweet treats will be great for your dental health. It can also be very beneficial for your overall health and your waistline!
  • Choose your toothpaste carefully: Toothpaste is definitely not an item that you want to go for the generic option. Talk to your dentist to get her recommendation for the right type of toothpaste for your dental needs. You may be interested in whitening toothpaste, or you may have questions about the benefits of fluoride. These are questions that our dentist Dr. Molly Rodgers is happy to answer on your first visit as a new patient or your next visit as a returning one.
  • Eat a healthy diet: When you eat healthily, the rest of your body will follow suit. It only makes sense that the foods you consume will have a direct effect on your body, including your teeth. Good nutrition plays a major role in all aspects of your health.
  • Never ignore any dental problems: If you happen to develop some type of dental problem such as a toothache or a chip, be sure to get that looked at as soon as possible. The longer that tooth issues are allowed to remain and fester, the more difficult (and possibly painful) it will be to fix them in the future. Tooth decay is a serious problem and can lead to complete tooth loss!

If you follow these top tips, you should be able to prevent cavities and bad breath, remove plaque before it causes problems, and keep your smile healthy throughout your whole life.

At the dental clinic of Dr. Molly Rodgers, we are dedicated to helping you and your family maintain great dental health, and we are happy to discuss the above tips as well as work to develop a custom plan for your teeth and gums. Call us to schedule your appointment!

Contact Our Experienced Edmonton, AB, Dental Office

If you are a resident of Edmonton, AB, and you are looking for a new dentist to care for your teeth and the dental health of your family, be sure to check out the dental office of Dr. Molly Rodgers. She has the experience, knowledge, and skills to care for all of your dental needs, including any emergency situations.

Our dental clinic offers general dentistry, dental options for children, cosmetic dental procedures, advanced dental procedures, and much more. We are truly committed to providing you and your family with the best possible dental care so that you have a lifetime of good dental health.

When you visit our office, we love watching you come in and show us your bright smiles. We look forward to meeting your whole family and becoming your life-long dental health partner.

Contact us today to schedule your next dental visit appointment.