Not many people are aware of this, but your oral health contributes significantly to your overall health. 

Studies have shown that people who practice good care of their teeth and gums have a more robust immune response to diseases and infections than those with poor oral health. Maintaining a good oral health regimen is, therefore, key to keeping your overall health in check.

One of the most common problems humans have faced for centuries is tooth infections. Bacteria has persisted as an unwanted companion for as long as humans have existed. In response to this, we have had to develop effective methods of preventing and treating bacterial infections in the mouth. These methods have been refined over the years to become what we know today as modern dentistry.

Today, oral health professionals can offer a variety of treatment options for dealing with various problems. One of the most efficient and affordable options has been root canal treatment, which is one of the most common dental procedures worldwide. 

Here are a few facts about root canals to help you understand them better to tell if or not you need one.


What Is a Root Canal Therapy?

A root canal is a procedure that dental professionals use to clean out bacteria from the inner layers of the teeth. The tooth consists of several layers, one of them being the root. 

The root of a tooth holds it firmly in place inside its socket within the gum. The root also helps to channel blood vessels into the nerves found inside the tooth. These blood vessels provide much-needed nutrition to the pulp and help clean out any bacteria from the tooth and its surroundings. 

When the roots get infected, you need to clean out the bacteria to prevent further damage to the tooth and entire dental cavity. A dentist will use special instruments to access deep layers of the tooth.

They will then clean out bacteria and treat the infected tissue using antibiotics to prevent reinfection. They then use a permanent filling to block off the affected area before sealing it to prevent reinfection.


Pros of Getting a Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is an efficient and time-saving method of dealing with bacteria deep inside the tooth. Going in for a root canal will provide an instant solution to your pain or discomfort.

Compared to other treatment methods such as tooth extraction, root canals offer instant relief for your severe pain. A tooth extraction means you will experience intense discomfort for a while, plus you will avoid the cost of fitting a replacement implant when you decide to treat the infection.

Root canal therapy will also help save your tooth from extraction since it will prevent bacteria from eating away at your tooth. Losing a tooth may cause more dental complications in the future hence why most dentists would prefer treating it.

Getting a root canal procedure will help you avoid more extensive dental problems such as periodontitis disease, among other general health complications since it involves removing bacteria from the body.

During the procedure, the dentist will also examine the state of the rest of your mouth to identify other infected teeth, which will go a long way in keeping your teeth healthy.


Cons of Getting Root Canal Therapy.

As effective as it is, a root canal procedure is not without its drawbacks. For instance, you might feel some discomfort during the process as the dentist makes a small hole to access the affected tooth. The discomfort is, however, minimal as the dentist will administer some pain medication beforehand.

There is also the risk, although very minimal, of reinfection. Wounds take time to heal, and you might be vulnerable to reinfection in the treated tooth before the protective layers are fully restored.

However, this risk is very rare and diminishes even more, when you conduct post-procedural care on your teeth. Maintaining oral hygiene and regular dental visits will also help to prevent other cases of tooth decay.


How Do You Know if You Need Root Canal Therapy?

Infections usually start small and with no pain. But the bacteria gradually progresses further into the tooth, and the stronger it gets, the more damage it causes. The symptoms then start getting more severe and noticeable. 

Below are telltale symptoms that you might need root canal therapy.


Persistent Pains

Tooth pain is one of the most uncomfortable pains there is to deal with. Most people take time off from work just because of an aching tooth. Whether the pain is persistently throbbing in your jaw or inconsistent, it could be a sign of an infected pulp or gum.


You Have a Sensitive Tooth

Many people have teeth that are sensitive to extreme temperatures, such as hot or icy drinks. Because this problem is common, most people tend to brush it off and avoid their coffee while it is still hot. They don’t realize that sensitive teeth could be a sign of a weakened tooth due to infection.


Swollen and Tender Gums

If you have felt a swelling in your gums as you run your tongue over them, you could be dealing with an infection. When bacteria attack the soft tissue in your mouth, they tend to redden and get inflamed, leaving a foul taste in the mouth. If you notice a swelling in your gums, you may need a root canal.


Broken or Cracked Teeth

If your tooth suddenly develops a crack or chip without experiencing any trauma, it might be a sign of bacterial infection. Try to get it sorted out quickly since cracks provide a safe space for bacteria to hide as they continue to grow inside the tooth.


Discolored Teeth

When bacteria attack the tooth, it often leaves a small and relatively unnoticeable stain. Over time the stain grows as the bacteria causes more damage. If left untreated, a bacterial infection will eventually kill off the tooth, leaving it darker when compared to its natural appearance.


Healthy Teeth Are Always in Fashion

If you have experienced any of the symptoms highlighted in this article, it might be time to talk to your dentist. A root canal procedure will help you avoid future dental problems such as periodontitis, tooth loss, and other dental emergencies.

However, with good preventative dental care, you can avoid putting your dental health at risk. It starts with scheduling occasional visits to your dentist.

Dr. Molly Rodgers Dental clinic offers world-class dental care in Edmonton, so don’t hesitate to come in for a check-up at our clinic. For more information about our services, reach out to us on (587) 410-5907.