No matter how much you care for your teeth, unfortunate circumstances can lead to a missing tooth. A tooth gap can make you conscious about your appearance and less confident. It makes speaking and eating complicated too, but don’t worry. Your dentist can help you restore your confidence and smile through a dental bridge!

What is a dental bridge?

A dental bridge is an artificial tooth or teeth that literally bridges or fills the space between your teeth. It is one of the solutions your dentist would recommend to close the gaps. 

This false tooth is also called a “pontic.” It is usually made from porcelain to blend the colour well with your teeth, but you can have it customized by exploring the use of other materials like metal, ceramics, gold, or a combination of these. 

There are also four types of dental bridges: a traditional, cantilever, Maryland, and the implant-supported bridge. They vary on how the pontics will be placed, but the essence is the same. You need to have existing teeth that the pontics will use as anchors as the fake tooth is placed in between.  

Filling your tooth gaps with dental bridges will help you chew and bite your food properly, as well as speak and enunciate properly. Moreover, it will maintain your face shape, keep your teeth from moving, restore your smile, and boost your confidence.  

What happens when you get a dental bridge?

The dentist will prepare your abutment teeth, which are the existing teeth adjacent to the gap. The dentist will file and shape your abutment teeth so that your pontics can fit in properly. 

The dentist will then prepare a temporary bridge and place it in the gap. In some cases, it will require a few days of observation before the permanent bridge is cemented to your healthy abutment teeth. 

You might need to come back a few times to check its fit and the dentist may adjust accordingly. 

How to take care of a dental bridge

Your dental bridge can last up to 15 years if you’ll care for it properly. Check your dental bridge’s dental insurance guidelines. In some clinics or insurance plans, there is a five-year expectancy, so you cannot ask for a bridge replacement until the minimum five years is met. 

To avoid the need for replacement in your early years into using your dental bridge, you’d need proper oral care. Taking care of it is similar to how you take care of your normal teeth. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, and don’t forget to floss after. Eat a balanced diet to give your body and teeth the nutrients they need. Regularly visit your dentist too for professional cleaning and checkups.  

Don’t like the idea of a dental bridge?

Other options to fill gaps in your teeth are the traditional removable false teeth or a dental implant. An implant is a more permanent solution than a dental bridge but it would also require proper oral care for it to last long. 


Losing a tooth or three is not a reason to frown. There is always a solution to your dental needs, so don’t forget to consult your dentist to see the options you can take. 

In case you’re getting a dental bridge, remember that like regular teeth, it will require proper care and attention for it to last long. As always, prevention is better than cure. Visit your dentist for regular checkups so that you can continue showing your beautiful smile to the world. 

Living in Edmonton, Alberta, and need an emergency dental solution to your dental problem? We will fix that for you! We are your South Edmonton dentists providing accessible and affordable dental care. Schedule an appointment with us today.