Certain beverages have been your go-to choice, whether to keep you alert throughout the day or for times when you need a quick sweet fix through a busy day. There’s something satisfying and motivating when you drink some types of beverages even though you’re not thirsty. However, some of these beverages come with high acidity that could put your oral health at risk. 

A beverage is considered acidic when it has a pH level of 4.6 or lower. These are several examples of stitch drinks: 

  • Tomato juice
  • Orange juice 
  • Apple juice
  • Pineapple juice
  • Grape juice
  • Lemonade
  • Coca-Cola

How Acidic Beverages Can Wreak Havoc To Your Oral Health

Many people are unaware of the dangers of these acidic beverages to their teeth and overall oral health. As a result, they carry on with life thinking that all is well. However, if you continue this lifestyle, here are the dangers of it:

It Can Make Your Enamel Erode

Enamel is the hard outer layer of the teeth that don’t grow back, which means you need to properly take care of them. However, drinking too many acidic beverages may cause the enamel to erode over time, meaning that your teeth will have lesser protection from bacteria-causing issues. 

Here are the common warning signs of enamel erosion: 

  • Rounded teeth
  • Transparent edges
  • Teeth cracks
  • Teeth dents

It Exposes Your Dentin

When your teeth enamel erodes, it then exposes the dentin that lies beneath it. This is what usually causes yellow teeth to appear. Although teeth whitening is an effective dental treatment, it can be costly. If you want to avoid yellow teeth, you must first text purposeful steps toward living a healthier lifestyle. After all, it’s always challenging for many individuals to “find the right time” to visit their dentist. As a result, these delays may cause more severe teeth issues, which could make things worse for you. 

It Can Make Your Teeth Sensitive

Exposed dentin will not only make your teeth look unpleasant, but it can also make your teeth more sensitive. When you have sensitive teeth, drinking cold or hot water may be painful already, and you may no longer be able to enjoy ice-cream!

It Can Increase The Risk Of Cavities

When you drink too many acidic beverages, remember that it can increase the risk of cavities forming on your teeth. With that, you put yourself in more serious dental health issues that could cost you time and money! 

It Can Create Tooth Abscess

Although this is rare, acidic beverages can still create tooth abscess. This abscess is a pocket of pus that forms because of a bacterial infection. Know that teeth with eroded enamel are more prone to the formation of abscesses.

It Can Make You Lose Your Teeth

In the worst cases, you could lose your teeth due to excessive consumption of acidic drinks. This often happens to individuals who don’t stop drinking them despite the apparent oral health issues.

What You Can Do About Your Teeth

The best way to prevent severe teeth issues is to limit your consumption of acidic beverages. Switch to drinking healthier beverages instead and if you still have to drink a beverage with high acidity, consume it with food to reduce its impact on your teeth enamel. Additionally, make sure to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth after you consume an acidic drink. 


At this point, you now know how acidic drinks can wreak havoc on your oral health. If you notice enamel erosion or if you simply want to prevent any of these dental issues, it’s important you see your dentist regularly. That way, you can guarantee that your oral health will be in check at all times!

If you’re looking for the best dentists in South Edmonton that can take care of your teeth, our experts at Edmonton Smiles are here for you. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation!