As you lose your baby, your new permanent adult teeth grow in. Sometimes when these teeth grow in very quickly they can be come crowded or grow in crooked. When this happens the number one resource we look to is braces. But how do you know if you need braces? Braces are the most common dental treatment for a straighter smile. In this article we will discuss some of the biggest reasons to consider braces to help straighten your teeth and give you a beautiful smile.

Why should one get braces?

Every time you look at your teeth in the mirror, you may find some that stick out of your otherwise perfectly aligned row of teeth. And this makes you conscious of smiling brightly and confidently in a social gathering. So, the biggest reason you need braces is that you need to smile more often and with no hesitation.

Crooked teeth can lead to bad oral hygiene as there are more areas for tartar and plaque to grow in your mouth. Tooth decay and bad breath can be painful and embarrassing as well. Cleaning crooked teeth can be another challenge as flossing can become more difficult then if you had straight teeth with the help of braces.

What’s the procedure to get braces?

After you’ve consulted a dentist or an orthodontist, and have made up your mind on getting braces, this is what the procedure to get braces would more or less look like:

  • the orthodontist, after viewing the x-ray of your teeth, will create a mold replicating your teeth structure to design your treatment and braces.
  • on your next visit, the orthodontist will place separators between your molars, that stay for a week before the braces are applied.
  • in your third visit, brackets are bonded to the front of your teeth.
  • For a few weeks, your braces must be adjusted according to your shifting teeth.

How to maintain your braces?

When you first get braces, the sensation of having something new attached to your teeth may feel weird or annoying. Don’t worry. You will get used to the braces in a short span of time. As far as eating habits are concerned, that can be dealt with by switching to soft and semi-viscous food for a while. You might face problems with brushing too, initially. Your dentist can teach you how to brush teeth that have braces.


So, when you think of braces, think of a perfect smile, think of Edmonton Smiles.