Chronic pain associated with Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) is expected. The Canadian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons says that temporomandibular joint disorders affect 25-30 percent of the population. Some of its symptoms are headache, pain in the face, neck, or behind the eyes, stuffy ears, numbness in the fingers or arms, snoring or sleep apnea, insomnia, depression, and limited jaw opening. 

Several dental health-related issues include cracking or breaking of teeth, tooth pain, and unexplained loose teeth. If you are experiencing one of these, it may cause discomfort and a decreased quality of life. It will also continue to get worse if TMJ is not treated right away. To help you better understand this disorder and how your general dentist can relieve your pain, read the information below.

What Are the Causes of TMJ?

You are likely to have a temporomandibular joint disorder if you are involved in an accident that causes the jaw to be dislocated. Other common causes are having lots of crooked teeth, being diagnosed with arthritis, grinding or clenching the teeth so much or so often that your jaw experiences a lot of pressure, and your proper jaw alignment gets affected. 

As for the pain associated with the disorder, the underlying cause is muscular. Having this condition creates disharmony in your muscles, jaw position, and teeth that control your lower jaw.

How Can My Dentist Help Relieve Pain Associated with TMJ?

TMJ is a chronic illness, meaning you may have broken, chipped, or worn teeth. Your general dentist can help you deal with your disorder because they understand how the jaw functions. If general dentistry treatments are not as helpful as expected, you may have to reach out to an orthodontist for additional treatment. Here are some ways your dentist can help treat your condition:

A custom dental appliance

If your diagnosis is caused by excessive or prolonged teeth clenching or grinding, your dentist will likely recommend you to get a custom dental appliance, which is also known as a splint or a bite guard. It will prevent your upper teeth from coming into contact with your lower teeth, especially while you are asleep.

Relaxation techniques

Tense jaw muscles typically cause the pain associated with TMJ. Your dentist can suggest several relaxation techniques to lessen or eliminate your jaw pain by reducing the tension.

Hot and cold therapy

Hot and cold therapy involves using hot and cold packs alternatively to relieve pain and relax tense muscles. It is advised to be used up to four times a day.

Analysis tests

The symptoms of TMJ can be too uncomfortable. When you head to our emergency dental clinic in Edmonton, our orthodontists can help you manage these symptoms using computerized analysis tests that help determine the best custom and precise treatment plan for you to eliminate your pain.


Many patients struggling with TMJ are told to live with the pain and other symptoms associated with it. Fortunately, you no longer have to feel that way and suffer from them when you undergo treatments and get the help you need. Seek help from your dentist today so you can perform chewing food, talking, and other daily activities without pain.

Reach out to our dentist in Edmonton for relief from TMJ-related pain. At Edmonton Smiles, we provide you with the treatment plan to help you live a pain-free life. Book a complimentary consultation to discuss your concerns with us!