Taking care of your gums and keeping your teeth healthy is a responsibility that we learn very early in our lives. Usually, our parents demonstrate the proper brushing and flossing techniques as well as make appointments for us with the family dentist for checkups.

From brushing our teeth twice per day to getting regular cleanings at the dentist, our oral health is an essential aspect of our overall health. It is critical that we take care of our teeth, gums, and other components of our mouths because dental problems impact our overall health as well.

Regular Oral Services Are Necessary for Dental Health and Preventing Tooth Decay

When you go to the dentist for a cleaning and checkup, you can rest assured that you are working to have good oral health. Your dentist helps to prevent cavities (tooth decay) and to maintain a healthy mouth. Healthy teeth and gums rely on yearly (or twice yearly) cleanings as well as a strong at-home dental health regimen.

It is important to remove food particles that may be stuck in your teeth and gums to avoid the onset of gum disease or the wearing away of tooth enamel. When you visit the dentist, as an important component of your oral health regimen, you should make sure to avoid certain foods prior to your visit.

Foods to Avoid Before Your Next Exam

For the majority of people, a visit to the dentist (and maybe a few days before the visit) means that they will step up their brushing and flossing game. What many may not consider is what food to eat or drinks to consume before going to your appointment.

There are certain foods and beverages which are, in general, bad for your oral health and should be avoided. From simply discoloring your teeth, causing the need for teeth whitening services, to actually stripping the enamel from the tooth, there are specific foods identified by the American Dental Association and the Canadian Dental Association as having adverse effects on your teeth.

Here is the list of some foods that should be avoided prior to your dental visit:

Garlic and Onions

Vegetables such as garlic and onions may be nutritious foods, but the smell of them will remain on your breath for quite some time. Although garlic and onions can add something special to things such as tomato sauce and mashed potatoes, you may want to avoid them before your appointment.

Beef Jerky

Due to the very nature of jerky being sinewy when it breaks, those small pieces of the food can get stuck in between your teeth and, if you have orthodontic work, in the wires of your braces. If you happen to have some before your appointment, you will want to make sure you floss VERY well.

Sugary Foods

No matter what type of sugary foods you consume, the sugar turns your mouth into a very acidic environment. The acid production in your mouth essentially continues to dip your teeth in acid, which will wear away the enamel on your teeth. From sugarless gum (there is still some form of added sugar in this gum) to soft drinks, energy drinks, hard candies, and everything in between, sugar can be detrimental to your oral health.

Citrus Fruits and Dried Fruits

There are some acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, that are not the ideal foods to consume prior to your next dental visit. Many people begin their day with a glass of orange juice or half of a grapefruit. While these are not poor choices for a balanced diet overall, they may not be a good choice before your next dental cleaning.

The reason is that the acidic nature of these fruits can temporarily weaken tooth enamel. It usually takes about 30 minutes for the enamel to re-harden, but ingesting acidic fruits before your appointment may not give your teeth enough time to recover, and the hygienist’s scraping away at the enamel could cause permanent damage.

Carbonated and Sports Beverages

Sports drinks and carbonated beverages wreak havoc on your teeth due to the sheer amount of sugar in these drinks. Again, it creates a highly acidic environment for your teeth. Likewise, the liquids usually remain coated on your teeth for quite a while.

Water, on the other hand, is much better for your oral health. It increases saliva flow and the production of more saliva, which allows for your teeth to be naturally cleaned. Unlike soft drinks, water has no sugar or carbs in it to negatively affect your teeth and gums.


Anyone who has ever eaten popcorn knows the troublesome times when the hulls of the popcorn get stuck in your teeth. If you consume some before going to the dentist, your cleaning may take longer to complete as the hygienist works to remove the hulls stuck in the various teeth.

Chewing Gum

Gum has various oral health problems for your mouth. It can pull mercury out of the amalgam fillings for your treated cavities, and it can also lead to serious tooth decay caused by the bath of sugar your teeth will be in. Sugar-free gum can also cause digestive issues. And gum or other sticky food choices can cause problems for those with orthodontic braces.

Contact Our Edmonton Tooth Enamel Experts

If you are a resident of Edmonton, AB, and you are looking for a new dentist to care for you and your family’s teeth, contact the dental office of Dr. Molly Rodgers. We will help you reduce cavities and plaque buildup in your teeth, and our dentist is happy to show your children the best practices for cleaning their teeth on a daily basis.

Call us Now and Book yourself or a family member. We can provide you with general dentistry services, cosmetic services, emergency services, and other dental solutions for conditions such as sleep apnea and TMJ care. Call now to learn more about all of our dental services.