Sometimes, no matter how well you take care of your teeth, brushing and flossing regularly and staying away from food that could impact your oral health, you can still deal with dental issues. One significant concern involves having a gap between your front teeth.

While some consider it as a unique trait that adds to their appearance, others will do anything to fix their condition. If you are experiencing gapped teeth, you don’t have to suffer for much longer. All you have to do is visit your dentist and acquire the proper treatment.

Having diastema or gap teeth can also occur due to an improper bite or an underlying gum disease. Whatever your case is, you can look forward to numerous methods to take care of your dental problem. Keep reading below to find out the best ways to eliminate gapped teeth. 

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is the easiest and most affordable treatment to help eliminate a person’s gapped teeth. A dentist applies a resin material on your teeth that resembles the same colour before securing it with a special light to bond it to your teeth and close the prominent gap successfully.

If you opt for a bonding treatment, you can expect it to be over in just one session. The procedure will not require a dentist to take out the enamel of your tooth, so if things don’t go according to plan, they can still reverse the treatment without problems.

Unfortunately, the material used for bonding tends to stain your teeth and isn’t as reliable as other restorative treatments, such as veneers. Over time, the bonding material could experience chipping or damage unless you take extra care of your bond or ask a dentist to repair it.


A veneer is made of porcelain that follows the shape and colour of your natural teeth. Dentists position it on top of the front of your tooth to conceal the gap between your teeth. After bonding the veneer in place, the porcelain material hardens and becomes tough to break.

If you require a permanent solution to your gapped teeth, you can rely on veneers because of their irreversible benefits. For the veneers to attach to your teeth, your dentist will need to remove a layer of enamel from your front teeth.

After taking out the enamel, your teeth will require the veneers now more than ever to receive the protection it needs to remain solid. Besides gapped teeth, using veneers works for other cosmetic issues, such as misalignment or discoloration of your teeth.


People experiencing severe diastema will require an orthodontist’s help to take care of their oral problems. That’s because, in some cases, moving your front teeth and bonding them won’t solve the gap present because other spaces could occur between your other teeth.

When that happens, you may be better off getting braces to address your teeth as a whole. But if you aren’t happy about the thought of having metal brackets, you could opt for invisible aligners to make it less noticeable, and you can take them off whenever you want.

Orthodontics serves as your last resort to dealing with your dental problem because it strives to provide you with a complete makeover, fixing the appearance and function of your teeth. Once you get your braces or aligners off for good, you can expect a better and healthier set of teeth.


The dental treatment you require will depend on what your affordable dentist will recommend after coming into the office for a consultation. Whether they prescribe dental bonding, veneers, or orthodontics for you, what matters is you can finally say goodbye to your gapped teeth and say hello to perfect-looking pearly whites. 

Are you looking for the best cosmetic dentist in Edmonton to fix your gapped teeth? Edmonton Smiles offers emergency dental solutions, including preventive dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and teeth whitening services. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!